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Everything posted by Cake

    1. Ventar


      Cake doesn't have the balls to shoot up a school.

    2. BENJI


      I remember when moob connected as "MC school shooter" and then he changed it to shooting up places lol

  1. Cake

    I am back

    my boy tdog is back hype
  2.  @Poseidon this is only for olympus, the olympus servers wont show up for me, i can join any other server, and when i try join a friend of steam who is already in the server it just says "server not responding" how do i fix this?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QKSILVR73
    3. Fedot


      Join another server then try again

    4. djwolf


      Have you tried turning it off and turning back on again? Maybe you just need to download moar RAM.

  3. kewl
  4. Grizzly for the short time I have been playing with you, its been real. You will be missed ):
  5. definitely
  6. what's up rob smellman xD
  7. Idk he Was in for like 2 weeks, he never played with us always was quiet in his own channel by himself
  8. Nice one, Shut that squeaker up lol K Virgin donut
  9. Haven't heard this in years. Still AIDS
  10. Meth is a good money making source or moonshine or shrooms
  11. stop hacking jupple
  12. Best Shot: Virus and Moob Best Driver: Thomas Best Heli Pilot: Stealth and Andrew Best Officer: Fat Clemenza Best R&R: P hunter Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Adi Best RP'r: Thomas Most Tactical: Deimos Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Jopple,Dustin,Thomas,Trenton the god all of Crook and [MC] Most Reliable: Jopple Most Dedicated Player: Moob
  13. GG M hope to see more fights like this more often

    1. Dustin87


      Yeah it was fun! Cant believe we actually held the tower and won in the end, we did lose ALOT more cars/gear tho :/

    2. Goldberg


      yeah that last one i dont know man it felt pretty even but next im trying to make it more clearly^^

    3. SPBojo


      Goldberg, just stop hacking and itl be even...

  14. GG fun fight today MC hope to have more fights like this more often

    1. GhostFace


      You to bud. Rip 20 grenades

    2. RogueMK


      was fun indeed, yomino should of died so many times over lol i wished you guys stayed longer at the outpost tho i was racking up quite the feed lolz :( untill next time i guess :)

    3. Tdog


      I got pelted with like 6 grenades...

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