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Everything posted by ACursedMyth

  1. Well boys... its been a while but I'm reactivating my drive to play this game.

    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Save urself dont do it

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Me and The Anubis Corporation

  3. Brutality will win, and if its a bad day for them then the inactives will.
  4. 20,300,314
  5. With the new increased robbery payout, is the bounty increased?
  6. ACursedMyth


    Good stuff
  7. I never win giveaways, lotteries, or any sort of random selection scenarios.
  8. Thanks for the Help.


  9. Thanks for the nice messages guys.

  10. Free speech is allowed, and theres already a lot of shit talk
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