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The Mountain

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Everything posted by The Mountain

  1. I respawn all the time, plus when u have time on cop, you get lots of deaths we need to give less hate on me and more love for fedot ppl
  2. no idea
  3. only part not legit is my bank account
  4. the uhh red is kills
  5. You heard me write, some love to Fedot, he's doing a great job on stats page, some pictures...
  6. Great job on servers, looks great, runs great, and I can't think of anything that is wrong atm, old jail is cool to see as well and for cops, well... the scats are coming back XD actually, I did just think of something. Since hp, food, and water do not reset on relog, to make food n water go down slower since people may be alive for irl days and it would stink to need to emergency buy food on a relog
  7. pally only class, prot pvp never die shit on fully geared pvpers with 685 pve gear
  8. give me your internet
  9. just tried it again and I worked, idk if its a bipolar thing or if its fixed
  10. anyways, onto topic... having to carry a 5kg gas can really screws up my "legal" runs so it's kind of a major inconvenience.
  11. Olympus, and I tried that and it did nothing, I got as close as possible, turned engine on/off, nothing.
  12. I don't know if anyone talked about this yet, but I'm unable to fuel up at gas stations with the new update. Don't know if anyone else has this problem or if I'm special like my mom tells me.
  13. Apparently, if you "triple dogg dare" a senior apd to dewhitelist you on cop after getting yelled at for a minor infraction, they will do it... XD

    1. The Mountain

      The Mountain


      It was 100% worth it btw

  14. I have been harassed on Olympus, called N***** etc... but it doesn't effect me at all because I know that I'm on the internet and everyone is a fagballz
  15. male prostitution
  16. This might be a good time to lock this forum post...
  17. Jokes on them, im vac baned from csgo, they couldnt sell even if they tried XD...
  18. I thought it was tomorrow?
  19. When you get proven wrong and you still keep your original statement ^^^^^^^^^
  20. Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days, everybody knows what, knows what, knows everyone has those days. IDK how ppl get out of perms tho, maybe 3rip will come back too :)
  21. boi were u at the salt mines or someting?
  22. you were gone?
  23. What if they are cream filled?
  24. congrats on seceeding from this addicting game that holds most of us by the neck. On other terms, sad to see you leave, have a good one, hope you return sometime in the future.
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