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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1. Shut up retard. :)))) NERRRR u have 0 credibility on the server. Dude you 'quit' cause staff hurt ur feelings.
  2. My nigga. I have reasons for this. So anyways jets go broom.
  3. @Zeuse. Still funny slagging off retards on forums.
  4. Nigga get tf off the forums nobody cares what fucking argument u bring up @Mr GOAT
  5. These guys got 3 jets in thr air each time scouting yet complain lolol
  6. Niggas w billions complaining about prices of hawks smh
  7. Getting high in the school bathrooms rn ill b on in like 3-4hrs
  8. 750k for promet and 150 for uni?
  9. Still got 8 6.5 suppressors, promet mr taser a Lt uniform and idk ill check whatever else when im home tonight
  10. Nooo why'd the fat cunts remove u
  11. The king of unhealthy eating @rabid says pepsi so case closed. @raykazi
  12. If u gonna test em, at least do it well. My last one was terrible for fucks sake
  13. What the fuck are you on about u weird cunt. Get off this post already freak.
  14. P.S pretty sure ryan does hack spread the word!!! Cheers boss
  15. Thank you gamer!!!!!!!!!
  16. Again, very epic gamer screenshot my friend!!! You pull the plug very epic!!. Dude, you think i would've kept those messages there if i cared one bit about them? They're a complete pisstake, hell, if i wanted i could go and get cheats far better and for far cheaper OFF OF ENIGMA lmfao. It was a pisstake dude. I do not care. Goodbye.
  17. Epic gamer screenshot bro, u like my pic of the wish clown costume? I got sent a screenshot on it,from the guy enigma above^^ The fuck. R u actually braindead or what? Everything lined up.
  18. Ill post it rn if u want? "Out of context" fuck are u on about lmao. Nothing was manipulated to look in another way
  19. I mean........ from my POV, everything lined up here. You cant even try telling me that you wouldn't think the exact same.
  20. I got sent a screenshot of some geezer with the name Cabbage in it looking for olympus hacks. I thought i heard of that name and so i asked someone who it was. I then asked the hacker who commented on the post saying to pm him, and the hacker then ssid that he knew him for a while. Maybe a huge misunderstandig. But for anyone with a brain, the dots sure do connect pretty nicely
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