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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1. Bump. Want one today if possible pm me
  2. Dont let these bitches know we're just top fraggers Multiple game banned accounts btw
  3. Anything to get the boy bloodsport off siege
  4. It wont ruin the economy, 1- people will be fighting more commonly, 2- people will gamble money at casino 3- casino has already taken out billions, i think if this buff is too broken then it wouldn't be that hard to reverse, just go back to the previous code/update 4- people are more likely to piss around and waste gearsets and bw items that in the spur of the monent they'll think oh i can just do a few runs to make it back, then lose a shit ton of items
  5. Alright, so once they do less than 5runs and are now a rebel with a house and 500k in their bank, may only take less than a few days then what? Can't just forget about all the loyal, daily OG players that want this change
  6. Not even guaranteed money either. Cops roll up and tase you. Search your vechile for e.g 800k and you lose tou 650k tempest device as it got seized, then you lose you 125k gun and an hour if your life if you go to jail....... no thanks. If runs were buffed then this wouldnt matter, people would pay tickets as they know that the money would be able to be acquired pretty damn easily and so they'd just wanna get back to it to get back the money they lost, just wonderung Rabid, if you saw a buff for runs- would you play more daily and more on different factions as well?
  7. Noble hawks finna go brrrrrrrrrrrr when they see someone running shine without asking
  8. Just like what it is on other servers. The Olympus community rn is only concerned about one thing- money, and that aint how it should b
  9. Literally,on other servers you can b chill with whoever and do huge big server runs and piss around n have a good time. But the state that Olympus is in rn everybody is do god damn thirsty for money that they will do whatever tf they must for a couple extra mil. This would help lower toxicity levels and make more of a community out of Olympus, maybe we'll see people on the forums and remember, oh yeah that was the really chill guy who we went off and did a couple runs together. Rather than oh that rat robbed my run at the drug dealer and all kinds of dead shit
  10. Perfect, think it was worded better than how i did it but yeah having a runs buff would promote the whole servers wellbeing. Really really well said mr jack.. hopefully more people agree with this and hopefully we can get something done
  11. Spot on, i think exactly the same, this little 20% increase doesn't make people do any more runs. Hopefully we can get enough positive feedback that the people making these decisions can't ignore what everyone wants. People dont realise- THIS SERVER EVOLVES AROUND RUNS
  12. That's why i tried making this post on the forums, i'm hoping that if we get enough positive support from lots of different people with different levels of authority/rank from every faction and area of the community that this idea cannot be ignored and something must be done about it.
  13. Tbf, in tempest device runs(which everyone uses to fill houses), picking is not tedious at all and average tempest run makes around 1.2m or in and around that
  14. ?????? Just thought of a random number to increase it by, of course everyone can say how and by how much they would like it buffed by
  15. Alright- i think, in this server runs should be given a huge buff, so many more players would play like........ SO MANY. If runs were boosted by say 50%(just a random number), the amount of people that would play either cop or civ would increase in stupid numbers. One of the main reasons people stop playing this server is cause it takes way too much time for way too little, everyone hates grinding for hours on end, only to lose the money for some stupid reason. I think if runs got boosted(whether it be in time or money) then this server would see an absolutely huge increase in players and so many more events would be happening, e.g people will actually fight cartels as a couple of gearsets could be made quickly, or more majors, as again, 1 gearset wouldn't mean much. I think this would just boost the whole server as almost everyone (cops+civs+medics) will be logging on- AS MORE RUNS WILL BE HAPPENING. Casino has taken out enough money to allow for such a buff i think. Every single faction would be playing so much more regularly and a more aggressive approach towards everything-rather than sitting afk. I think this is what the server needs to give it a huge boost in numbers. Please feel free to add any suggestions or opinions below
  17. You have 13 wps buddy chill out. Last time i spoke to kyle he said he was gonna spend over 20m on them.......
  18. How could the community go about making it 3yr+?
  19. Whatever admin/mod that opens this appeal, please just insta deny it.
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