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About Dragonnoid

  • Birthday 01/31/2000

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
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    South Korea
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  1. Who are you
  2. Damn @ TheHeroNoob you looking good fr
  3. Changing FOV, ifrits, quick-peaking are all things that are apart of the game. Peaking through rocks I'm not really sure which ones you're referring to exactly? I'd have to know wym. Jumping alone isn't allowed in Arma by default to the best of my knowledge. DPI jumping is def not in default Arma it's taking advantage of the jump mechanic added into Olympus. TLDR: You're comparing things that are apart of the game to a bug.
  4. I personally blame @ TapTap and @ JaydenB for the downfall of the server
  5. Yeah fuck that @ TapTap guy
  6. Congrats on designer @ SpecTGV and congrats on senior support @ Diamond !!

  7. It's fun to fight events when you have a fair fight. Most of the time it is not fair TBH
  8. 1. The game is old and cheaters kill the little population s3 has at this point. I like playing Olympus but by god is conquest just so unfun and boring. I know I’m no fragger and never claim to be but still. 2. People that are new/have never done conquest will probably never get into it due to the population that are legitimate consisting of people who have hundreds or thousands of hours in the game. Getting railed for 2 hours isn’t fun either.
  9. Congrats @ Jayden Blueberries I knew it was coming for ya

  10. Welcome back
  11. Congrats @ Brandyn you're gonna do great!

  12. They were vigis I doubt they were liked by many
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