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Everything posted by Casperr

  1. Casperr


    Miss ya homes. Should start up a YouTube channel for your detailing business though
  2. Waaaaaaa
  3. Golden
  4. No lmao Wait, how am I mad? I didn't create a forum post to cry about an APD promotion LMAO
  5. I don't even play this game enough to go to a "training server" lmfao? But it's absolutely hilarious how you have one LOL
  6. Jesus stop being a retard and crying about an APD promotion to Corporal. You expect people to get 300 or so hours for Corporal and not make any mistakes along the way? End of the day it's an Arma 3 Roleplaying Server. Stfu holy shit.
  7. I tried to talk to @Blueangelman36 about this a few days ago... so you’ll have to convince him. PS, fuck you and our streak Blue
  8. Where's the Whataburger option?
  9. Casperr


    o7. Focus on some irl shit homes.
  10. Lol, yeah, let’s remove the only active mod who is not only active with moderator duties, but also playing in game. Worst decision imo, Yeah, sometimes you make mistakes, but so does plenty of the other staff. At least you were proactive, learned from them, and truly cared about making oly better as a whole. Server really is going down hill. Which is unfortunate.
  11. I feel the pain. Went from 15m to 95m over the span of a week. Lost it all in about 2 minutes. Got back to 20m from 200k and lost it all again
  12. I love the Halloween vibes. But also love spending time with family during Christmas. October is also my favorite month of the year too so... hard pick. The world may never know what I chose.
  13. Casperr


    I had no issue with the guy at first. But dude lost all of my respect when I accidentally fail crossfired someone because I thought there was a PO in the bush. Instantly offered comp and was told to “fuck off”, and “R E P O R T E D”, then he went crying for a live ban after I tried to make things right, solely because I’m in a gang he doesn’t like. That’s the kind of APD we need in Oly. Funny how he talks about trying to “change the server for the better” too
  14. Definitely not
  15. mY nAmE is NoaH aNd I aM a ViRGin

    1. Noahhh!


      Imagine detailing your girlfriend's car for a blowjob and not just demanding her to give you dome.

    2. Billeh
  16. Yikes. Those big brain Noble guys really keep getting ya don’t they?
  17. Ain’t broke... YET
  18. I’ll soon be in this situation as well. I’ll enjoy the money while I have it though. All thanks to @ChicagoJack
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