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Fat Clemenza

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Fat Clemenza last won the day on December 2 2016

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About Fat Clemenza

Legacy VIP
  • Birthday 11/09/1994

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    Orange County, CA
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  1. When you try to RP with someone instead of being a robot and just get murdered by the rest of the gang. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fedot


      Nah Man, I Didnt call them in. they where getting mad cause it was taking over 10 minutes and then texted me "The Bomb has been planted! terrorists win"

    3. TheAntiStud


      We were doing a rescue mission for our guy, and so we shot you so we could get him out unscaved, then you guys respawned we didn't want to get tazed, so we initiated RP and you didn't comply the first time so we shot you, then the second time cLoak put his hands up and we didn't shoot him.

    4. brodyunderwood1


      If only they ever put this kind of effort into their excuses when the situation was ACTUALLY happening then the RP on the servers might actually be fun and halfway decent.

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