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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. If you're referring to when I shot your Taru Transport out of the sky for evading, you could've avoided that by landing. Taru Transports are legal... In any case, only 12 people have access to Ghosthawks. 12... Anybody with 3/4s of a Mil on this server can buy a Titan and shoot one down. I don't see a problem here.
  2. Your mother should've had planned parenthood cut you into a million peaces and sold on the black market. Now you're just surplus population.
  3. You've got the hard-on. Not me...
  4. Go fuck your mother instead.
  5. Cry harder.
  6. You did fine, dude. Just learn to piss them off more. Makes your job much more fun.
  7. It's running at a really low speed though.
  8. You'll be severely held back by your processor. I say you'll run on high-very high w/about 30-40FPS.
  9. Is this the second or third time you've returned? I give it a month.
  10. Written & Physical Agility Tests with Orange Police Department in less than five hours... What am I doing up right now?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mobundo African Warlord

      Mobundo African Warlord

      Good Luck you will be fine ! just remember if a problem arises Alt F4

    3. ProfessionalHostage


      I say you should just do what I do.. throw enough money till the problem goes away

    4. ComradeGoonie


      Written Agility? So they're gonna test your speed at filling out firearm usage reports? :D


  11. All four sides would give me peace of mind. If I were to make them record 24/7, that'd be good too; the girl who was guilty in that collision keyed my car fender to fender after she lost the case. I can't prove it, but if I had a dash-cam facing that way, she'd have been fucked. Again, is it worth the time and money?
  12. I've thought about it, but I don't think they're worth my time. I've never had an at-fault, and the last collision I was in I was able to prove the other person's guilt with pictures, diagrams, and my own testimony. The other party also helped by lying to the insurance adjuster. If I was going to get a dash-cam, I'd get four for each side of my car, but again, is it really worth all the money and upkeep?
  13. That's not a bird. That's a flying rat. Fuck pigeons.
  14. Moob is pro-Palestine. Fuck you, Moob. 

  15. Confirmed. One of his middle school mates threw him under the bus and gave me a picture of his school ID. Hence his blacklist. Must've thrown the bus out of alignment too.
  17. Cruz dropped out! The Donald's got it boys.

  18. They do that in the U.K. too, ya know... It's called Northern Ireland.
  19. Very nice. There's another person in this community who claimed to be an Asylum sergeant, but this was a guy who unsuccessfully attempted to impersonate a woman, so it was a dubious claim. You might know him. Any reason why you resigned your post?
  20. Just out of curiosity, what rank did you attain with the Asylum PD before you came here?
  21. Locked and hid the thread? Unsportsmanlike conduct. 5-yard penalty; automatic 1st Down. Unlock and un-hide that thread. It was a sterling piece of literature. 

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