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Everything posted by stayclaxxy

  1. you've literally called me a hard R to my face in kav square, you're not dumb.
  2. Stat banners have been updated with new backgrounds and a couple more features for our O+ subscribers!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xsmitherz


      Need an outline on the text or something, a bold roboto perhaps, i still cant see shit 😭

    3. stayclaxxy


      There's already an outline. Go get your eyes checked bozo


    4. L1on


      why does @ Syphilis get to spam me a little under 105 messages within an hour while proceeding to kill his dog and live with his brother rent free

  3. Good Night Kiss GIF by G2 Esports
    early tuck in for the CTF tonight! 

  4. Check out the new stats page features!:




    Additionally, we have added

    * Gang stats

    * Time & Money chart on player profiles can now adjust the timeframe!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lea


      First of all, no cupcake banner -12, Second you can put donuts used but not cupcakes -11000. Arma mom is disappointed. 🧁

    3. Bobby El Churro
    4. stayclaxxy
  5. @ Doc  o7 my fellow SAPD hater. I reckon I won't be too far behind. See ya on the other side.

  6. @ Doc
  7. sovereign must be in bro's ear.
  8. We should region ban turkey for @ Baba El Chavo  birthday. That’s the only way he won’t put in 14 hour days on civ! 

    1. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      I won't be able to enter the game starting from March. can you ban all Turks for me?

      @ stayclaxxy

  9. aegis is dogshit like idk why people still are in that gang
  10. congrats @ Mila  on the new role!

  11. Casino is an easy way for cash IMO.
    1. Toretto


      I also think this would be hella useful for rolling stuff off after BW. People use those websites that always make them win! Would be cool to have a trustworthy roulette wheel for giving away gear.

    2. Zeuse


      @ Zahzi  this sounds like a really great and useful suggestion, you really have great seniors under you! 👀

    3. Toretto


      Crazy @ Zahzi clowns me. All he does is sit around and think of Oly+ ideas. I'm trying to give the people what they want

  12. Any hate toward @ -dante- or @ xbastardz  will result in your forums becoming permanent light mode with dark reader disabled. Thanks! ^.^ 

    1. Dylan Rodgers

      Dylan Rodgers

      How much did they pay you?

  13. dude is 58 y/o and hasn't been in a ring in 20 years what did you expect

    1. Tman15tmb
    2. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      death to the big black man (this is a joke incase of investigations by federal and state entities)

  14. i am going to ban baba el chavo solely because of his race!

    1. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      i know you hate black and you hate turk.

      because you have small ***

  15. I’ll go ahead and say it since no one has, try changing DNS servers to Google or cloudflare if you can. Usually, ISPs DNS servers are dogshit and slow.
  16. let's not forget everyone that endorced kamala was on the diddy list 💀

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Toretto


      Hopefully the Diddy and Epstein list get released under Trump. Plus RFK is wanting to open the case on the Kennedy assassinations. Hillary is probably sweating bullets

    3. Mighty
    4. lukie
  17. How do i reset my vote
  18. kamala 2024, keep the racists out!
  19. The web development team is seeking active contributors!

    More info:

    Apply at: https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/


    1. ben-


      Can I apply claxxy!!!

  20. Seriously guys, whose idea was it to promote the nonce to swat LT. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. stayclaxxy


      @ CaloomClark  take that react back NOW young man!!

    3. stayclaxxy


      @ CaloomClark  that's it young man you are DONE next time i see you.

    4. CaloomClark



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