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Everything posted by Doofy

  1. Look to be fair, everyone makes mistakes weather they be intentional or not. Its not necessarily fair to call someone out on these mistakes. At the end of the day its a videogame, and if the point of this post was to try to humiliate him that's kind of a dick move to be honest. Lets just move on
  2. it was a miss click get over it
  3. 100k
  4. ....... Weird
  5. Doofy


    @NotAToucan I thought tammy was a girl until about 2 weeks ago.... ive been playing since the beginning of 2018
  6. Got to be my favorite joint
  7. @evannnn..... Canada?
  8. Beavertails (idk if its in America)
  9. Based on only true events https://imgflip.com/i/4x75sy If you know you know
  10. Doofy


    Do you guys have down syndrome???? Like holy moly stop provoking the kid man he is just digging himself in a hole that is deep enough already. @ZAZA do me a favor and just log out of the forums dude.
  11. Doofy


    Bye Bye
  12. Doofy


    @Penguiny Thats a bit far man... Its just a game at the end of the day @ZAZA you should still play just get a different name and play solo man
  13. Doofy


    An admin needs to close this thread asap XDDDD
  14. Doofy


    Yeah man I was there and as someone with an actual stutter that kinda pissed me tf off. Who knows, he might actually have a stutter but if he doesnt thats kinda fucked up
  15. Doofy


    Holy Fuck, I take a break from the forums for 1 DAY and I come back to this bullshit..... Owen WTFFFF are you doing calling out senior apd homie dude... pick on someone your own size... sorry I had to Hey and whats wrong with going on teamspeak dates..... Discord Girlfriends are the same thing as real life girlfriends.. sometimes you dont know if you are talking to a grown man but that just adds mystery
  16. Doofy


    @ZAZA dude.... you got to stop shit talking man the you are thirsting for rep but you get shit on every time.... come on man
  17. Man steals can filled with thousands of dollars woman saved for daughters' college education (yahoo.com) this you? @SystemChips ...
  18. @dellshark im pretty sure they use it for conquest.
  19. @dellshark I just don't think it is in Olympus' best interest to keep server 2 open its about funding.... And with arma 3 dying its probably a struggle to keep 3 servers open and a TeamSpeak a website etc.. im sure if server 1 was full 24/7 the staff would have no issue with opening server 2 and 3 idk just a thought..
  20. @dandaniel wtb a mx, whats your price?
  21. Sees Military personnel irl.... Hey thats the guy from arma 3
  22. o7 buddy
  23. I've got one for sale atm @Caravaggio
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