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  1. Yet another night ruined on the server. Was trying to do something legal, making concrete. My friend and I were selling it and then go rolled up on by two guys in a car. They kept ramming my truck until they hit it and it exploded the tires, then they got out and killed us. Pretty normal shit on here.

    Then after that happened we spawned in Pyrgos and we got guns and was hanging around the gas station and a cop passes around us like 5 times. Then he looks up to see if we are wanted, then runs me over and gets out I get one shot off and then I am tazed and then my friend is. Kid just VDMed us to get us restrained. Bullshit, I went into teamspeak and talked with support for a while but it's just like it always is. You explain it to one member, then another support member joins and you have to explain it again. I probably explained it 6 different times and nothing was really done.


    I'm not even going to talk about the Sr. Civil Council dude calling me a retard in the support channel.


    It's just bullshit bro and ruins the server. Like I don't even wanna play after all that, what's the point? Might as well as just start breaking the rules like everyone else. What's the point anymore?


    I'm redownloading ArmA 2 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Creepy


      @FitterFlakes how am I supposed to "deal with misconduct" when you don't report it?

      Even if I was spectating and SAW someone clap you, how am I supposed to know you weren't text engaged, verbal engaged, etc?

      You're making little sense.

    3. Ryan


      26 minutes ago, FitterFlakes said:

      Yeah, @Creepy @Headless if I were to actually do that for every single player breaking the rules on the server - the first week I wouldn't even be able to play I'd be uploading youtube videos every two hours - just so @Ryan can get more revenue. I mean sure, I play for free but why should I pay @Ryan in mental work when he should have active admins on the server dealing with misconduct. In GMOD people get teleported to a situation room, why not ARMA? Heh

      Im sorry you had a bad experience, seriously am. However you did @ me so I can obviously see this, and instead of it being something productive, its something that is completely irrelevant to your argument, which makes me not want to help you at all. Although im pretty open about where the money on Olympus goes (devs, actual cash giveaways, external services to run Olympus, Olympus itself, the rare occasions @Zahzi needs me to buy some shit), I dont make as much money off Olympus as people make it out to be, nor is it any of your business. Now relating my "revenue" to a server that I own, in which I would think I have the full right to receive any revenue if theres even any to take, to you being lazy and not wanting to report your problems to the proper ticket system, is beyond stupid. I dont make money off you reporting people. If you got a report you can submit it where it should go, if not, then this forum post will take you nowhere. Gmod doesnt always have staff online, so the shit storm will always continue + arma aint gmod. If you want a gmod experience you can head on down there. Report system is in place for a reason, as its been proven to be much more efficient then the "Gmod" methods. Locking this thread now.

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