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Everything posted by Fastik

  1. Chain of Command HMMM WE NEED SPYS!!!

  2. All about that delta life
  3. Fake
  4. I haven't even met this btat guy o-o unless he goes by another name... Nvm I know who he is. Lol!
  5. Hearthstone at work would be a bad idea where it's so time consuming
  6. Hate?
  7. That moment when people are being told what homerooms they are in, and someone named Mohammad al quaed gahndi gets called and everyone starts yelling Allahu ackbar..  Pls school pls.

    1. D3V1L


      So you're in middle school..?

    2. Fastik


      No high school last year here. People are really immature.

  8. Can't decide if I want to repair my pc or buy myself a truck qq pls halp

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fastik


      Nah trenton fords come installed with heated Tail gates also. Ford backwards is drivers return on foot, and Skeeter it's a 03


    3. orcpoc


      ram all the way bro, got a 04 cummins, shooting for 800hp here shortly yeehaw

  9. Wish there was a way to put in a absence request for your houses/garages :( rip

    1. Fastik


      Wish I was as smart... I'm starting soon again too and have no time to play plus my pc broke down.

  10. rekt by dili
  11. Gary best troll 2k15?
  12. Welcome!!!!
  13. Exile mod, just like H1Z1 release day.

  14. Not always Kerry, sometimes even the good antivirus fucks it all up sometimes.
  15. Yea really though
  16. Yep... Was planning on coming back myself but around 4am i realized she still never got access so i just went to bed myself lol..
  17. So for the benefit stream... She got hacked
  18. Buy Ark or no life olympus for 13 days i dunno o.o

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I know the feeling... I have three games coming up... Metal Gear, Uncharted, Gears of war ultimate.... Gonna have to take a bit of a break also for those.... :( 

  19. What he said
  20. yes I don't have many complaints about them anymore now either but there's always things from the past. +1 gary
  21. Lol you haven't been here long enough to understand what people are bitching about then.
  22. Sounds like something I did awhile ago lol when did you join?
  23. Fastik


    I always buy things i can't afford to lose, im a tight bastard no matter how much money i got i cant afford to lose it
  24. Blizzard doing a Q&A on next expansion, only 4 questions ggwp.

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