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Everything posted by Fastik

  1. im pretty sure that mush house is a 2c
  2. Want to buy DP17 Villa PM if you own it.

  3. Looking to buy houses in DP17 🙂 PM on forums if you have anything.

  4. Fastik

    Happy birthday!!

  5. Yep dm me on discord Fastik#3418, or open a pm on the forums
  6. What do you mean by it’s not red? Lmao
  7. Bump
  8. Do you even play anymore?
  9. Sold.
  10. Post offers ty
  11. DP3 Meth shed for sale, post offers ty
  12. Correct. However if possible code the robbing script for medics to allow only weapon robbing, and nothing else perhaps if possible.
  13. I believe robbing of weapons should be allowed as well. It needs to have some risk of loss involved. Not just Reward Reward Reward
  14. With this said. Would a combat medic be a different whitelist like swat? Or would it be locked behind a certain medic rank? And would combat medics be distinguishable from normal medics.
  15. I like the idea, however how would this operate? Similar to APD? Having tasers only? Or having lethals only? And would this be used as some form special medic force? In like the APD requests backup at like a fed etc? Allowing the medic to defend themselves from rebels and also revive APD etc.
  16. When you die then get revived by the medic you're buddied with and get permed for having "hacked" money 519e7a4142bd17dddafe4d8c14a8da20.png

    1. dannyfrog87


      lol happened to me not long back i died in a redzone got the other medic too revive me and as i got up got the same error. odd bug back in the day never got that issue

  17. 4 DP 11 3 Craters for sale PM me offers, Will sell once I move everything outta em.
  18. New phone, Who dis? and who are you? @SPBojo Lul

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SPBojo


      I feel yah, idk what other old dogs are around except from @Grandma Gary these days tbh

    3. Fastik




    4. N7Zero
  19. Hmmmmmm

    1. ThatNerdyGuy
    2. N7Zero


      :kreygasm:the boy is back, finally u got ur ass off rust

    3. Fastik


      When he thinks im actually back and not playing tarkov YIKES

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