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Everything posted by Fastik

  1. but in a way it would increase aswell, I've been having to spam enter to get into the servers recently and that's after 3-4 NST if there was a third server it might also increase the intake of new players.
  2. Lil bit late but happy birthday hades.
  3. Server Three or Riot

  4. Pink just had positive KD on Cs:Go What is this.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fastik



    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      What is CS?  Altis life all the way :) 

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Still not positive ;D

  5. calm down give Poseidon a break :c
  6. Sound packs generally don't give advantages as it has nothing to do with graphical stuff it just makes things moderately easier to hear. Also the signature check doesn't count for client side mods unless the mod has its own signature file then it may.
  7. The support button is on the site again now
  8. I don't thing there's a list of the force but I think you can go under the APD tags and see who has it on the forums ;p
  9. Everytime i have everything memorized it gets changed -.-
  10. No Fedot4Deputy not Head Admin
  11. Who's bojo.
  12. 10/10 forums

    1. Jorbis


      Only 9/10 

      The snow's gone :(

    2. Fastik


      ikr jorbis im sad :(

  13. Goodbye Hades!! You will be missed!
  14. Someone who A ). Has a house near kavala gang hideout or drug dealer B ). Has a helicopter.
  15. Lol Yea I'm just not very active lol, I first joined cop Dec 5th 2k14 Not 100 percent sure but I think it was then lol
  16. Bubbaloo I was here three months ago I have been here for almost a year now . I can also say that my po test was given to me by snake I can also say my apd whitelist test was done by Travis gary moose and Kratos at the same time
  17. I wish we still had all three servers and they where full 50000 people used to live here now it's just a ghost town
  19. Rite not like it was done on ts.
  20. Post got necroed so hard lel
  21. Fastik


    mainly from toeknee jkjk ily toeknee.
  22. Wow rude I hope you don't pick on newbies poor poor people...
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