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Everything posted by Fastik

  1. Waittt who's bojo again I forgot? Is he new?
  2. Ps4 Band wagon, I absolutely loved the beta ended up putting 2 days and like 8 hours into the beta on ps4 in total, had all the high end shit. Generally I loved the beta and I will be playing it tomorrow when it comes out. On ps4 that is.
  3. Congratulations @Benjamin Remer on his 666th post.

  4. I already downvoted today rip
  5. I can't wait for the division #Hypee
  6. Siege is a pretty good game tbh
  7. People getting so salty over global donation perks, But honestly? Is it better than having no donation perks and keeping all the legacy stuff locked up? I think not.

    1. RogueMK


      Tbh there should be no donation needed to get the items as its part of the default game! It's either unlock for everyone or remove from everyone, this is still basically donating for perks!! 

  8. Stats page or rito

    1. Fedot


      Plz dont rito

    2. Fastik


      I'm ritoing so hard right now.

  9. Congratulations on Moderator!!!!

  10. No thx I disowned them
  11. https://youtu.be/ctTJtAr0w4Y
  12. At least he got to fuck her in the ass?
  13. Like Peter said benq monitors are good monitors for multiple screens
  14. Cause u do nothing
  15. Fastik


    ya dawg
  16. Fastik


    Naw dawg.
  17. Fastik


    Hey rusty, you proud of dem bans in your signature?
  18. Fastik


    Who's bojo?
  19. Fastik


    Who're you?
  20. #Not Enough Civ Slots on Server 2

  21. Server two just went down but it popped up and said mission failed all players died q.q

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