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Everything posted by Elm

  1. To be fair, @ monster already had multiple eyes on his account during the scrap ordeal. From what I remember, he was cleared of any wrongdoing by not only @ Mako but also by @ Grandma Gary .
  2. Literally just comp... it's just money.
  3. I suggest leaving Kavala and joining some type of group.
  4. @ Rexo or @ Grandma Gary
  5. Thank you for the laugh. Lots of things to point out here. 1.) I am using CSTAT + T3. You are using 6.5m. Even if you did manage to hit me, it would take you several hits to take me down. Meanwhile, I am using a 7.62 MK1 Taser. With the T3 vest you're wearing, I would only need to hit you 1-2 times to take you down. Especially at that close of a range. 2.) I was previously banned for a bug that involved crafting. You can't craft tasers. Regardless, due to my failure to report said bug and abuse of said bug, my entire account was wiped. I was left with $49K and 0 vehicles. 3.) I didn't DPI over anything. I've been banned several times for using DPI and will freely admit to using DPI in some instances. However, in this particular instance, I jumped over the front of the qilin, and did not DPI. In conclusion, had you led your shots, you most likely could have hit me. However, you didn't led your shots and your aim was honestly not that great.
  6. This 100%. It's sad af but he def wasn't your best friend if he would "end" a friendship like that.
  7. Can we make the "Olympus Asset Recovery Agents" an official faction?

  8. This 100%. It's simple! Next time you find something that seems game breaking (I would argue $10,000,000 every 30min qualifies), go ahead and report it. Even if it doesn't seem like a bug, it might be something that needs to be nerfed.
  9. If you did this you're an idiot
  10. lmfao too soon
  11. For some reason, they are trying to say you abused the bug as well.
  12. There was a ammo truck bug w/ scrap that I believe people were banned for. This was prior to the April 1st update.
  13. Yes! List ‘em on the auction house and I’ll buy them!
  14. Congrats big man!!! @ TapTap

    1. TapTap


      Thank you Elm!

  15. Happy birthday man!! @ ZeroBlade

  16. I'm paying 3m for MK1 and 2.5m for Type 115.
  17. o7 gl gl
  18. Will overpay for all. Message me what you have and how many.
  19. Congrats on mod!!! @ WALT

    1. WALT


      Thanks Elm, appreciate it brother

  20. **CLOSED** SOLD
  21. Selling the following house. On the market now. Comes with 6 MK1's. https://imgur.com/a/V72xwUR
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