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Murder Taxi Driver

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Everything posted by Murder Taxi Driver

  1. Hunter first wave
  2. Anti you dont even play olympus anymore shush (thank god no more random bs titan hits)
  3. I want yall to come back for just one day and we will just farm you for warpts for that entire day. Then, u guys can get permed
  4. Silla come back plz i need you for free warpopints. Thx
  5. The Canadians have spoken
  6. Canadians do, fuck you
  7. so eh just to clarify, say u have a in-game username that may be considered as transphobic to some - but u are not actively spurting transphobic shit/harassing someone bannable or nah?
  8. Can you get banned for transphobism just askin
  9. Add a casino in Sofia
  10. why would a gang as shitty as O have access to a Mar-10?
  11. Stop being a gamer nerd just go to your local furniture store and grab whatever desk you like
  12. I am sure you are helping "so many new people" by tasing and taking away their kidneys
  13. Civs should be able to tac respawn anywhere as long as they didnt get killed there
  14. Post another ghawk montage and we will downvote it even more
  15. things would be very different if someone had a 7.62 you were just lucky that they had vigi/gunstore shit gear
  16. Dm for price
  17. Thoughts?
  18. What about Asians? Imma say the N word... 那个 (nèi ge) 1:21
  19. Pretty sure we have had this discussion before, for the roulette to go R R R G R R R R R B R (R is red) Roulette is rigged #changemymind (RIP to those who lose 100M+ in one bet or the guy who lost to double green)
  20. Bring him back; we need a man like him to rdm Silla in kav
  21. DMS 7.62 suppr or wtpts Mar10 (lethal) and mags DM for negotiation of price
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