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Everything posted by hawkg

  1. turning ur heli left and right is different from drifting a few feet brain dead moron. in auto hover u dont drift lol. auto hovering is auto hovering
  2. its a "roleplay server" it wouldnt be roleplay if the text read "Land/Autohover in place or be titaned" auto hovering is auto hovering moving to the left and right is not auto hovering
  3. LOL aegis noobs rolled. They love to often quote the rule book as if it will diminish their defeat.
  4. Name: hawkg Gang: Nogang Rank: N/A Accountability: (who do i message if you have someone being a retard The Soverign
  5. @ -Shawn-  dont get caught lacking l vitaly is on the hunt for your people 

    1. FaXe
    2. ben-


      @ T o b y  youre a nonce wtf?

    3. -dante-


      I gotta say man, the amount of space in your brain dedicated to thinking about potential pedos is concerning. You’re safe 🙏🏼

  6. u were obsessed for months, kinda weird dont u think?
  7. Ahh yes perfect defining example of your poor intellect. very hard jest to pull off considering we’ve never gone back and forth before this
  8. u go on the forums everyday to argue with a middle aged women. says a lot about you, dont you think?
  9. Considering your intellect im sure u do
  10. You guys know nothing about coding. You think @ Milo scored a 3 on the ap computer science principles exam? He did not, but I did
  11. care to tell more?
  12. @ Noble explain urself
  13. why bother with the evidence locker? put it back at the pen and people will actually fight it
  14. known scammer
  15. Happy birthday   @ nicole  Hopefully the celebrants got two cakes, one for you and one for the fam 

  16. bro wants a minor to dance on a pole. kinda weird if u ask me but not too surprising considering ur affiliation with a gang of pedos
  17. its expected of him mc pooperson is the worst player on the server
  18. Would upvote but no reactions
  19. imagine ratting in 2024 kill ya self
  20. Going to be taking a break from arma a bit. Talking to girls and making money is very time consuming I hope you guys understand 

    1. buckie


      maybe that money can buy u a netipot 

    2. Tman15tmb


      Save some for me 

    3. syndrome


      hell yeah brother

  21. very concerned about the length of your nails @ Noble
  22. People still play server 1?
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