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Everything posted by Tarquanda

  1. Don't speak to @CHEESE1 just trust me (he fiending)
  2. I've never been so confused reading a forums post in my life are you talking in the third person? I genuinely can't tell...
  3. Tarquanda


    Do you still have an AT offroad or Jeep?
  4. Tarquanda


    Learn to get god like with the pdw, proceed to only buy pdw's until you have over 100m, then once you have over 100m buy whatever the fuck you want and you'll kill everyone because your not used a god damn pdw
  5. Respond with offers
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  6. It doesn't show on my post you commented on but the single suppressor is a 5.8 it's just cut off
  7. holy crap you stay up late bruh, nah I was asleep. I can do it today I'll message you in game when I'm on. 1.4m and deal
  8. 600K
  9. A reset will make 90% if the server leave
  10. No but I'm trying to buy some
  11. I joined the server in July 2020 its not that hard to make money
  12. https://imgur.com/a/Ysx9l5G
  13. Sorry didn't know you were new here, it's understandable for a new player to think like that. My bad
  14. Is there any way to reduce the amount of lag that is caused when the server has 120 players+ ? It takes 20-30 seconds to pull cars, it takes just as long to just look at what cars are in the garage to pull, it also takes longer to check markets, bounties, and phone. I feel as if opening up S2 earlier and keeping it open for longer would mitigate some of these existing issues, because currently it is really unenjoyable to play at these times.
  15. I have 2x Mk1 Tasers and a Tier 5 vest, I also have a bunch of random airdrop loot like Envgs, supps, pilot covs, etc.
  16. Tarquanda

    selling gear

    Do u still have the LIMs?
  17. I just got one yesterday idk if you are still interested
  18. actually brain dead, please think before speaking.
  19. Selling 2 Mk1 Tasers (1M Each) Tier 5 Vest (600k) https://imgur.com/a/JysKR2o
  20. Ban cheaters instead of protecting them to preserve population. People end up quitting because of cheaters and all that remains in the end are the cheaters. It's not a dead server but I remember not too long ago when it would get 100 people on s1 and s2. It sucks that when the server actually gets pop that it lags and takes 30s to pull a vehicle and shit like that. Honestly I think it can be salvaged but people need to get banned more for cheating rather than meta gaming and failure, maybe instead let the person know what they did wrong before banning them if it's their first offense.
  21. 410k
  22. 1) It's a video game, Idk if ya'll roleplaying that this is real life or something... 2) Grow up that is all..
  23. Aight, time to head out
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