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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. Ya know, you real estate pirates need to have your own little "Property corner!" First thing you little devils did is buy up all the houses to flip them, clever bastards.

    1. Fedot


      Watching too much "TLC Flip or Flop"

    2. Augustus


      That's real estate for ya

  2. Officers are expected to rp out every scenario they engaged themselves in, however you cannot control their way of how they choose to Rp your situation. I had robbed an officer before and put on his sweaty ass uniform, but I always almost try to avoid on-duty officers at all possible when I mess around with the Scats making them think I'm the cop before the real boys in blue come in LOL, then I run, because I know I would need to be clever with my story and how I would approach them should they find me. They did however, tazed me and restrained me, they died and I was trying to convince some 'squeakers' that I was a cop and got restrained by a vigi by mistake, it was awesome. None the less they caught me and I was trying my best to stall till reset so I would still get my uniform but the deputy wasn't havin it, however I knew what the outcome would be because I took that risk.
  3. In the order that you posted; So what I'm asking is in a RP sense are cops suppose to know whether your a cop or not if you have the uniform on ? Isaac's right, putting on the cop uniform and showing up to a bunch of cops you take a risk. So before you decide to grace the Apd with your presence and stolen attire, keep that in mind. Does having a bounty justify being questioned on my role as an officer ? Really depends on the scenario, if it's minor infraction like assault, attp auto theft(assuming your trying to nab a cop car), I'll play along lol. However if your rap sheet involves murder etc. A felony like that and your face is planted on the wanted database so to speak, expect to be engaged. Either way you take that risk. Bad rp: deputy stops me says that I'm not really a cop cause no patrol officer would buy a sting. Not bad rp, it's a form of rp however especially if you decide to approach a deputy. Not very common that they deal with this situation especially the new deputies. Bad rp would be if your name is called out from afar, "hey jeff, put your hands up you can't wear that uniform you scat!" LOL sorry I'm bored and I'm at work. Deputy tazes and restrains me says "me restraining you proves your not a cop cause I can't restrain my fellow officers" I'm sorry the response made me laugh, (why would you try to restrain officers anyway). In either case these are not examples of bad rp, are they good rp or great rp? Maby not in some eyes but it's not bad rp. Bottom line is, if you are planning to wear a full apd uniform and decide to troll cops with it, you will have to consider the risks that go with your choice.
  4. Old location of pygros was bad especially when u spawned a chopper and it would flip and explode much like the Athira rebel that's doing it now.
  5. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA U GOT GARY'D!!!!!! Oh wait...it's Tman with da jokes? Who knew lol.
  6. You guys are making topics and posting about defibs etc as if your implying the staff is negligent and non responsive. If you were a true part of the Olympus community where the Olympus staff brought up that everything they are working on will be viewable via trello, i.e. https://trello.com/b/3OuZI2oG/arma-3-altis-life, you would see the blasted defibs in there. They are there, they are being worked on, be considerate and at least grateful that they are going to be impliment.
  7. California they got this massive burrito you can buy for 6 bucks awhile back... Taco truck @Fat Clemenza knows what I'm talking about.
  8. Is that French fries I see in your Burrito?
  9. I kinda miss having that popular Californian Burrito.
  10. whoops, accidentally quoted you LOL! There's no point in disabling the page as they will have a domain. Then they can just change the link to that domain
  11. The Page is not Broken, the Page is there, however the contents in the Page are disabled until they have a domain to link it to. Then they can enable the content once linked. No.
  12. Long sleeves!!!!!

  13. No, I was gonna rewrite everything Larry said and changed some of his wording to derpity, in other words, pull a Fedor but decided not too.
  14. .....I like Pie NOOT!
  15. Im sorry I didn't know LOL!!!!!!!!!
  16. Your experiencing memory leak. Happens when an event is around you that requires processing such as loading a spawned vehicle or getting in one. Also take rouge's advice and check your parameters settings on your arma launch screen. You can see the issue on your task bar when you tab out of game and your experiencing it.
  17. Looks like I was a victim in someone's dream.....
  18. is it?
  19. Too late, he's IN me it appears............
  20. SLUT! lol
  21. I hate apple, I will never touch a mac, iPhone, etc, PC and Samsung ftw

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Yeah. Macs are a bit slow. Sudo? Ah. Wasn't aware that's how you reached the directories on the mac. 

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


    4. DeadPool



  22. I want you in me so bad!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      So dirty!

      I'm used to it thougb.

    3. TheSkyStarKnight


      Wow, I never thought @Talindor would do this. Why did you ruin the childrens' lives, Tally? Why did you do it?

    4. OG Doc

      OG Doc

      lol you got gary'd

  23. Pune slayer is the lady in the back?
  24. Why do you have @Grandma Gary licking a popsicle, looking at you provocatively? Lol so funny
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