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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. So it's my turn at the office to buy people drinks, I turned to our secretary as she requested a particular brand of popular energy drink. "What kind of redgull did you want?" I said, realizing what I had said. To my surprised she didn't catch that and said, "the red one please." lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Augustus


      Whenever I see a helicopter fly over irl, I always think to try to press 5

    3. Muthinator


      Wait till the Red Gull car is out and about!

    4. ComradeGoonie


      Made fun of my friend the other day for being dramatic about drinking redgull. I then realized I said redgull and got made fun of in turn. I sad. :*(

  2. If a killer in real life gets treated by the medic, or seeked medical attention at a hospital for a bullet wound dued to a scuffle, the doctors have to report that by law to the police. In some cases in Olympus, (I know it's rare) Apd would be cruising by and see a medic reviving a player with an illegal weapon. It's not all about them reporting the request to the police.
  3. Rip Server 1 down again, 2nd weekend in a row.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Talindor
    3. RogueMK


      yeah everyone in vehicles just got ejected lolz never seen so many alt f4's lol

    4. Talindor
  4. Also your actions leading up to being restrained. Often times officers will work something out with you based on your actions after being revived.
  5. If it's a healthy flame, you should be fine.
  6. In reality nothing is going to change, Fedot, Muthinator, and the rest of you respected Senior members. The server is filled with multiple egos and players who don't understand, care (bother caring), etc.
  7. Personally, I would say eta in the format of; "Where do I fall under the call list," "What's would be the time frame?" I don't think it hurts to ask those type of questions in that format. However I get the point of your topic. Rebels flame and will continue flaming no matter what. It's their lost if they keep harassing paramedics and higher to the point of them quiting their jobs. Their gonna have alot of emts driving around which makes the wait time alot longer.
  8. When Maverick gets a Lethal!!!!!!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Talindor


      Spot on LOL


    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Obviously I must of been muted

    4. Not Important

      Not Important

      the meme has started, there is no going back :4head:

  9. rip server 1


  10. Titans were well cordinated in the last round. Had a strong foothold in the center while their flank swept the sides for clean-up.
  11. Server 1 is down?

  12. There's a news crew????? That's rarer then a ten-foot sasquatch sipping Morgan Freemans tears at a tea-party hosted by unicorns!
  13. What r u talking about?
  14. Or we can just roll up your female tree, smoke it, or some like to dab, or cook them into delicious pasteries.
  15. Last two
  16. Perhaps it can be added as a donator perk.
  17. You will get it, just study up on the rules man I'm rootin for ya.
  18. Thank you.
  19. Right but Mobundo initially had this open based on several dev-senior APD commenting that APD does not have or get enough major Gang action anymore.
  20. Ahahahahaa That's funny, Not you Mobundo the comment itself, already Senior APD and Admins can enter Cartels. If "not enough major gang action" was the case, there would not be weekly/bi-weekly APD deathstacks-all-are-welcome. There are more occasions where during the week ending towards the weekends, you have back-to-back fed/jail/jail/fed/fed/jail-jail-jail-fed-rebel?-jail, on these days the engagements last anywhere from an hour to over an hour and a half non-stop. If anything, it's too much, leaving little gangs and groups that do hostage, robberies etc no chance to have fun with cops. Now I say this, because I literately play over 30 hours a week on cop. Yea it would be nice to have a sort of major gang engagement that does not always need a senior to be around so officers on a corp to PO level have the okay to engage, and a bit different from the usual jail-fed spam because it just gets tiresome alot of the officers feel the same, but Cartels is defiantly not the answer to this, if you want a major gang-cop action every one can get it on, I suggest offering an extra activity area to rebels perhaps a city like neo created where Rebels can capture it and Officers can fight them at, or something like that. Leave Cartels as is, please.
  21. Could you elaborate a little more on this? On what view do you see this on? The APD side? Your first sentence threw me off a bit.
  22. I agree with Goat, there should be no reason to patrol a Cartel, as a Cartel in essence is a place that maintains drug prices to the Gang controller. Empty field, what is there to patrol? There is no drugs being processed or gathered there. The only reason would be to chase a suspect retreating to Cartel.
  23. @Dizzy Just made this and uploaded it to imgflip
  24. In addition to this, playing alongside Trimorphious it would never even hit you regarding his age, his maturity is that of someone well in their 20s.
  25. @Dizzy, I specialize in Graphic designs and Websites, You will see me on, give me a little on how/what you like in regards to gifs, insignia etc. What stands out, your personality, do you like skulls? flames? more to go on bro. Give me an Idea and I will get started fam.
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