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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. thx, planning another for tomorrow!
  2. thx guys!
  3. Exactly, 5 mil should be the ball-park
  4. sure, meet me in ts
  5. 2.5 mil
  6. 2 mil
  7. I don't know, 10 mil on the off chance that you lose the dms, during a seize, gun glitch, medic not being able to make it in time. I can see it's rarity, but I can also see the risks and loss. Reason I said 5-6 mill is because it's in reason, and the players will increase the price gunning for it up to 10 mil. Going high off the get-go kinda makes them think is it worth it?
  8. Should start at 5-6 mil (More practical), it will raise itself. Having a DMS scope makes fights interesting but also brings the risk of having one. Don't go too high on the start if your trying to advertise to the vets.
  9. If in the link you don't respond to Bohemia letting them know it dosnt work, they will be under the impression that it's working.
  10. You can trust these guys, btw good fight last night jeff, Tank that head shot at star LOL!
  11. If you experience any issues, post a reply in that link so Bohemia will know it is not that effective . Some players have experienced less texture drops then normal.
  12. I agree. Find yourself a gang man.
  13. looks like you guys don't understand my reference. YouTube 'coolaid lips' and you will see lol.
  14. Lemme get da cool-aid.....
  15. 3.5 mil Get outta here, less you throwing cash down!
  16. 3.5 mil
  17. And we will be watching for it
  18. All dis new content I wanna go home RITE NOW! (lucky I got friday off so YAY. Gonna buy some beer, throw money at meh lady, and play till I SLEEP!
  19. Olympus Tacker, place bug dere It's rare people, RARE! geez....... 1% drop chance 25MAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN Who's gonna roll?
  20. oh meh gawd look at next months donation goal;


    • Gang purchasable warehouses.
      • Allow a gang leader to purchase a gang warehouse
      • Gang members can spawn at this location
      • Gang members can use crates/virtual inventory at this location
      • More features will likely be added to this system in the future
  21. Man you are awesome I gotta say. I hope you are enjoying yourself in-game or otherwise
  22. When it was a thing, you had to shoot the tear gas on the 'ground' next to your target in order for it to work. If the target was exposed to the tear-gas, his screen would get distorted. It was nice when it was around because it provided a happy medium against those that like playing 'peek a boo' for hours on smaller platforms such as deerstands.
  23. I think they are fixed and ready to roll out, need to confirm with @tkcjesse
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