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Everything posted by Revenge

  1. I was banned within 6 hours for racism that I didn't commit.  I reported the harassment and racism of the staff. It has been waiting for 3 days. Here is Olympus Management. Congratulations. 

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Free revenge nigga did nothing wrong 

  2. SWGU3-7BRL add me bitches
  3. @ Kito Your mother knows very well. I enjoyed it very much
  4. I want to establish plain logic. When RDM is performed on my teammate, I will also report that person. When a rule violation is made to my teammate, I will also report that person. It will be like this from now on Moreover, what is Hard R? Can someone explain it to me? @ Kito You said you were a kind person. Now I want you to explain to us. Why did you report me? Did I say anything against you? Did I behave badly towards you? On what basis did you report me? How did I communicate with you? Could you please explain it kindly? We want to hear from you.
  5. Wiki Rules: A third party reporting based off just a screenshot will not be valid. I didn't say anything against Police Kito. I never had any contact with him. I just asked him to give me a vehicle. He can't report me. That would be invalid. Also, Money is not requested from a player who is reported for Racism. He asked me for 500k MONEY
  6. Now it's clear
  7. https://medal.tv/tr/games/arma-3/clips/jNUQk31AVxieDROLk/XTO2oToxs0Fc?invite=cr-MSxGVVgsMjgzMDM5NDYyLA I didn't say anything against this guy. We were having fun with the other Police Friend. What's going on? I'm waiting for your comments This is our Dispute Correspondence; Police | Kito * created a new dispute 0 minutes later Racism Hard R (NYPD) Revenge replied 0 minutes later what are you talking about ? Police | Kito * replied 3 minutes later you said the harD R (NYPD) Revenge replied 3 minutes later What is hard r ? Police | Kito * replied 4 minutes later the N word (NYPD) Revenge replied 5 minutes later I didn't understand anything you said. Police | Kito * replied 5 minutes later you said the Hard N word, which is racist Police | Kito * replied 7 minutes later give me 500k comp and a sorry, I wont report you (NYPD) Revenge replied 8 minutes later I didn't say anything like that to you. @ CaloomClark May I know why you banned me?
  8. I am banning Peapay from entering Kavala
  9. Revenge

    My trial

    I Vouch for Wezio.
  10. https://medal.tv/tr/games/arma-3/clips/jvnLLrzefOhsS3jyM/Ufaqfr4SEzB9?invite=cr-MSxCWU4sMzIwNDkzMzEs 

    I Still Can't Understand This. We get engaged at the 5th second. First hit at the 13th second. And they report us from rdm. The funny part is that I join the war at the 40th second. I get banned. 🥴

    1. Big Boss Fredo
    2. Revenge


      nnnga gnnnagggaaaa 😄

    3. Revenge



      I will report him to the Turkish NYPD Chief. He is my relative  😄

  11. NYPD's popularity has surpassed APD. 😎

  12. Dude, you said it well. But it contradicts what @ David Miller and @ CaloomClark did. I hope you want to hear their explanation
  13. The End.    Thanks For All.

    1. -dante-


      See you in a month brother 

    2. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      You cant banned revenge again. he not playing

  14. I put my head inside the rock. I'm watching the area. Is this a violation? But I'm not fighting. I'm just watching. If someone wants to report me, is that acceptable?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hawkg


      To sum up what @ -dante-  is saying, basically it depends who you are and who you’re friends with 

    3. Revenge



      If their character model is just a little into the rock but they’re only looking in third person and not using the rock to hide their entire body and looking through it, then that wouldn’t really be sufficient enough but honestly couldn’t tell you for sure without seeing the evidence itself to see what it looked like from your POV. 

      In such cases, why don't you want the Viewpoint of the Reported player?

    4. -dante-


      We can’t force people to have recorded. Not everyone records and most people who do use instant replay features rather than full playthrough. That would never be feasible. 

  15. @ -BATMAN- This has been deemed as Bug Abuse by @ Mighty . These players should be banned immediately. Report Bug Abuse immediately.
  16. @ -dante-   You have very little time left. I will let everyone know the truth. You will pay the price for this betrayal you have done to us. I am uploading the videos. Very little time left. Just wait...

  17. My friend, it saddens me that you think this way. Take these players before you once. Try to talk. We have a problem. Listen. Let's find a solution.
  18. Did you report this? WHAT response did you get? And which staff member responded?
  19. I am telling all my player friends and especially my "DEVRE" Gang. Isn't it time to move out of here?
  20. I don't think @ Milo acted intentionally.
  21. @ -dante- Hand in your resignation. Quietly walk away. Wait to be forgotten. That's all you're going to do with this decision.
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