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Everything posted by Shadexz

  1. Bump current offer 5m
  2. Dm me
  3. last offer was 4m lmk if u can beat it Dm Shadexz#9096 if u got other questions
  4. DP3 meth house for sale, very remote , wide area for helicopter landings. Within a kilometer of meth processor vigi outpost and syrta.
  5. Still for sale?
  6. Bump
  7. Buying a Unique house in DP3 area (syrta/Abdera) with garage reply with house pic and price
  8. Cheaters always gonna find a way through no matter what idk how its so hard for ppl to figure that out. Fraalis ac works well and if you think that they aint working to prevent them your dumb asf
  9. Realistically if yall were face to face your egos would both drop by about half ngl
  10. noses
  11. @anti I would like to point out you have spent 76M on titan rockets alone
  12. this thread is full of 14 y/os trying to stroke their own egos
  13. your pfp says it all
  14. Arma 4 gonna come out in like a year and we will have all just upgraded to the 3080 and we gonna get like 20 FPS on arma 4
  15. Is that 2gb 2100 ram? Let’s go
  16. Ngl amd cpus kinda shit on arma they good on everything else tho
  17. Isn't shitpost genuinely interested in what ur pcs look like
  18. I built my pc last December this is it Snow White Christmas 2 - Ryzen 9 5900X 3.7 GHz 12-Core, GeForce RTX 3080 10 GB Vision OC, O11D XL-W ATX Full Tower - PCPartPicker. And I tested out the difference between my 5900xs preformance and 5800s performance online and unless u care about 4-5 frames save urself the money and go for the 5800. I also got butfucked and ordered the gigabyte 3080 because the asus white 3080 came out a week later {):. I don't see the need for the 250gb ssd cuz 3 ssds + a hardrive kinda excessive but just ur preference. Case price is just absurd bro you cant get a good phantom case for $50. If ur getting a closed case rgb is pointless on the ram. (Corsair ram is also meh) I suggest getting Crucial ballstix Crucial Ballistix MAX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-4000 CL18 Memory (BLM2K16G40C18U4B) - PCPartPicker.
  19. Your a scammer m8 no one gonna buy/sell shit to you
  20. my intelligence is decreasing
  21. Shadexz

    Ghost hawk

    usually goes for 20m u have to find a buyer
  22. I want a stat on how much money is spent on casino per week so we get an understanding of how much $ casino drains
  23. @Millenniumif someone rocking silla tags in a diff gang and you shoot silla the other gang is engaged to + silla dumbass rule needs fixing
  24. this where peoples minds get fucked on engagment rules you see the actual community wanting this who tf would be annoyed by getting clearer ROE so they dont have to pay 200k every fucking time this happens.
  25. ur still a fuckin admin m8 treat ppl with the lowest standard of respect
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