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Walsh Weep

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Everything posted by Walsh Weep

  1. 20 mil+ offer
  2. Walsh Weep

    2 DMS's

    offer 4 mil +
  3. I love how @Jamie complains about people submitting 10 min videos, then uploads a 9 min video to get a good cop removed for "being unprofessional" as he witch hunted him

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JAMIE


      wasn't anything unique about being a shithead gtfo here with your sob story bullshit..worse than a lifetime movie UNIQUE RP smh 

    3. Walsh Weep

      Walsh Weep

      Chillax buddy its a Online light roleplay server on a video game you dont need to get your dick hard over everything

    4. Bloodmoon


      I love all my fans

  4. u ignored mine
  5. Wait BurBan is coming back?
  6. i sold the tazer one you wanted to buy i still have 2 lethals, one of them i got from a BW recently
  7. i got 2 lethals
  8. 2 dms's and 2 mil
  9. 1.5m
  10. ok
  11. Offer needs to be above 4.5 mil
  12. bump 2 DMS still for sale
  13. Really dont get when people complain about striders or hunters, sure theirs a point where it gets excessive but other than that its fine by me

    1. KrispyK


      You also tazed me while you were three to oned and already gave your uniform.

    2. Walsh Weep

      Walsh Weep


      wrong person?

  14. 3.6 sounds good enough
  15. currently got someone buying it for 3.5m
  16. are you on/whats ur steam
  17. thats why your braindead
  18. New prices DMS 4.3 MIL 7.62 Sup 4 mil Lt lvl 5 vests 750k Lt clothing 500k anything else ask
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