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Civilian Council
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Everything posted by Sevro

  1. The fact that the APD now have free access to Northwest (in which they can watch over all of dome/crates) every single wave is absolutely hilarious. The fact that CC didnt even comment on it is kinda crazy. 

    1. Show previous comments  53 more
    2. Kyle


      Silly noob just win 

    3. proud


      i change my mind about the nw jump spot. its pretty easy to hold, i listened to you guys and figured out a way to hold it. ofcourse we'll need more time to see how it plays out in the long run, but i actually held it yesterday and its pretty easy to secure.

    4. MAV


      yep yep, blow up the deer stand making APD have to push/no easy cover and play pill box/bihut is EASY kills.. 

      Alternatively you can load 2-3 guys, 2 in stand, one on ground and it would work... just would leave other spots vulnerable if you can't fill 1 concrete, 1 crates, 2 gate one, 1 SW and maybe 1 white building... then a few roamers... thing is, 8-9 man feds will no longer be a walk in the park,,, which makes sense...


  2. This ones from a while back but i still remember it.
  3. Sevro


    im not even shooting at the far guy ;-; btw he dpid im reporting it
  4. fr love this server. Hope everyone has good holidays and can spend some time outdoors
  5. Dispute Abuse Creating disputes for the purpose(s) of transferring money, communicating or spamming a player not related to getting compensation is considered dispute abuse and can result in administrative action. Players may report another for dispute abuse by clicking the report button in the dispute menu and it will pre-fill information into the report on the forums. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Disputes
  6. I think its because of daylight savings. EU was last week, US is this week. Idk who schedules it but it wasnt announced anywhere
  7. A Blackwater yesterday was fairly fun, and fair, I believe we had about 15 + medic and cops had 19. Good waves with armor, lots of good fights. But as soon as bomb was blown, there were 4 ghawks already pulled and 2 armed planes chasing the hawk that spawned. Keep in mind this was as soon as bomb blew, and we didnt even know if it would be an air vehicle or an AT. Also people roaching with titans to shoot down any civ vehicles. Not much possible in that scenario lol
  8. Just wanted to say even though I havent been in this community for an incredibly long time (2.5ish years) I have met so many great ppl on here that I think will remain friends for the rest of my life. Thanks everyone who helps even a small amount, absolutely love this place.
  9. huh. thats not what they looked like for me at all. just blended in with the smoke. welp gg
  10. ima be honest envgs in smoke are fucking useless. I went on editor and tried it out for a while, if anything it was kinda worse. Im not entirely sure what the complaints are about but ig we will see tonight
  11. https://imgur.com/pDHoY44 

    New meaning to ninja defuse

    1. knifemaster


      gotta love this game right?

  12. I dislike Mighty
  13. Hey, welcome to the community, most people will find friends from finding a gang while playing the server and then get together in a discord. There are a few gangs you can apply to on the forums as well but most of those will be geared for a more experienced player. Good Luck!
  14. APD Gear Escort not needing to be unsealed prior to being accessible Pharmaceutical sell canceling on player move :)
  15. Not gonna cap, same exact shit happened to us 6 months ago and the response was "too bad so sad get better and dont let people near you at a fed" so idk
  16. tf u @ ing me for, handbook rules apply different for different people depending on the mood
  17. Please remove the apd faction. Thank you

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mako


      Thank you for this suggestion, we've implemented this change for the next update.

    3. stayclaxxy


      @ Mako make it happen for RnR too please, ty!

    4. Lucien


      Only faction needed on the server is WPL holders ✊

  18. Sevro

    Selling Gear

    Known Scammer please ignore and report
  19. @ GST I love u bbgirl congrats

    1. GST


      Thank you @ Sevro ! Means alot dude, much love ❤️❤️ 

  20. Just curious to find out everyone's opinion
  21. Its sandman, probably getting his fuckin staff point payout for 3 months from being a lead designer. Look at his roles and use your brain
  22. Hey I'm on vacation rn just reading the forums because I'm bored but I genuinely did not think someone can be this delusional. A lot of people have speculated about me specifically getting money from "dupes" or "exploits" or staff whatever. Aegis makes a shit ton of money from PLAYING THE VIDEO GAME. We constantly do banks (3+mil each time) do pharmas (1.5-3m each time), rob large drug runs, fight every single airdrop (narco, gear, vehicle), DO FEDS AND BLACKWATERS CONSTANTLY all while normally selling all the gear we make. I made 1.2 BILLION in the 7 months I played with Aegis. Granted I'm fairly conservative with spending money, but if I have a mk1 kit I will respawn immediately and generally spend 1-2mil for every couple hours I spend on civ. There is also the fact that pretty much everyone that joins Aegis is already incredibly financially well off. I was poor when I joined, comparatively (150m). Headtaps, pooperson, virus, kyle, on9, darn are all in the top50 for money because they have a ridiculous amount of hours and are pretty fuckin jewish (like me). I can break down my earnings in the past half a year if ya'd like: 410mil from cop, 6.7k gold bars sold, probably 300m+ from swat and conq (4th most swat caps, a lot of civ ratting where you can easily make 5+mil solo if u try), 562 pharmas sold (most solo), 113 staff events won, plus a bunch of other shit I'm probably forgetting about. I think I averaged around 50-60hrs a week for 7 months grinding money and for people just to think I got there from staff is fucking ridiculous, mako wont even fuckin rev me when I die to a rock. Just my 2 cents, sov ur as delusional as always and listening to a man who has spent probably a few thousand real USD on arma accounts and cheats in order to fuck around and troll on olympus.
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