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Ricky Falzo

Civilian Council
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About Ricky Falzo

Scats Civilian Council
  • Birthday 06/07/1997

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    Kavala Sqaure
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Citizen (3/7)



  1. im a little late on the goodbye. But thanks for helping me out awhile back I really needed the words of wisedom and someone to reason with me, helped out alot .....I only get banned once a year now lol! peace noble
  2. Goodluck buddy, i miss them times i used to save u with a minigun quilin
  3. Congrats too my boi @ Zombie Mall Cop  and also Congrats @ Diamond


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ricky Falzo

      Ricky Falzo

      Yer killin me is probably the only song I liked by Remo Drive , iv tried to listing too their other stuff and it was little disappointing @ ThatNerdyGuy  Iv never knew that about them .

      @ Rafa  Decent love the original sound , nice refresher 

    3. Rafa


      @ ThatNerdyGuy Shouldve just gone the way of Modern Baseball and ended on high note. At least IMO. I think they might be coming back soon though 

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      I’ll be buying tickets for Modern Baseball if they come back. My dream your for them was always them and The Front Bottoms ngl. I remember seeing they once toured with the Wonder Years and that bummed me out. I’ll still say the Wonder Years the best band I’ve seen in concert. In Philly after not touring the pandemic on the second night of back to back shows at the Fillmore. Played a 5 or 6 song encore after playing the Upsides and Suburbia back to back. 

  5. That made me laugh too hard ffs! PS when is the next Issue of this Newpaper coming out @ The Sovereign , very informative I never knew @ WALT was a Ginger lol
  6. Trial By combats at Kav Square "Find Ricky Falzo"
  7. ummm Maybe lower the age limit to 16+ instead of their being no age limit "My personally opinion" Also A Medic a Day keeps the rebel away, so thank your local medic for the revive even if their 13
  8. nobody said anything about this but since we're enjoying world war 2 history!
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