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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Orbit

  1. anyone willing to sell lmk
  2. I have to post the el toncas fed truck explosion it was fucking so funny
  3. Orbit


    rest up and see you in vegas in a few years with your last thousand dollars you quit arma to work for!
  4. personal ive never had the brain cells and the patience to go to them and click all the buttons just to find no houses and rinse and repeat. I just window key the houses and find ones randomly not needing houses anyway.
  5. the moment that medic was done wrong was the moment he committed mass genocide
  6. Orbit


    UD cheats, scripting, and pbo injecting can all be hard to catch if they use there brains and have a decent source. Kinda sad people think theres no cheaters.
  7. Just kinda weird that sAPD pulls the "MOST PEOPLE WILL NOT BE AFFECTED" yet this has already been occurring so it isnt a change but it shouldnt have happened before. End of the day weather they did it before and added it later, it still makes ghosthawks harder to fight.
  8. Its more of the idea that it will be summoned upon in some doubtful ways. If this wasnt a major change and was a loophole from the start why was there an APD handbook change in the first place?
  9. It is a major change. It changes the ability to hold a titan out in proximity of a ghosthawk without being gun downed. There will be a loophole, cops will abuse it, and everyone will lose a feel for even fighting cops that use a ghosthawk as there first resort. Its a rough game we play but this is something that is major and does give APD a serious advantage.
  10. If this remains the case it will be nearly impossible to shoot down ghosthawk when they go guns hot.
  11. I 100% agree, very large buff coming in that benefits the APD. The APD is already a dominant faction when it comes to fighting everything but major crimes. The lack of NLR and the current amount of ranking APD that has permission allows for them to easily access and abuse them. APD also play with full regards to win a fight allowing for you to hardly full wipe them before another set of APD comes including the ghosthawk. Shooting down a ghosthawk minus a titan (A launcher) or a armed vehicle which they will just gun with no regards is impossible. This should receive another round of voting and should be looked at by staff and voted on by them as well.
  12. Orbit


    Really pops out those walls!
  13. Orbit

    selling ghawk

    ill take it for 6 flat
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