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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. @Armend(Pete Malloy)
  2. Yes, the last statement 100% states that it's not edited so must be l9g9t.
  3. I thought I'm going to get a virus clicking this. Instead, I saw the future. Thank you Conan.
  4. Actual suggestions: 35% off all illegal weapons, and 50% off all legal weapons. (For one week) 25% off illegal vehicles. 50% off legal non-truck vehicles. 35% off legal vehicles. (For one week) 15% increase for every illegal item sold, 25% increase for every legal item sold. (For one week) RCO scope for Civilians 15% off all modification for vehicles 20% off all house upgrades, 10% off all house purchases (For one week) Unique clothing item(s) for purchase only for a week (AKA: Special head clothing) (For one week) Some suggestions to get ideas going.
  5. @bigPat can we have new APD uniforms added to the list
  6. Lol we never said that, we said we were informed by someone that there is someone at the cartel. Aka, previous cartel holder told us. Learn2shoot
  7. @gummycow @Mr Kevin @Dejay @GhostFace Top kek banter
  8. Why the heck can't I downvote anymore.

    1. Ninjaman427



  9. Yet another server stack 7dd8693f7a0620a8aa99646d55361d2f.png


    1. Ahmed99


      LOOL haven't seen a channel with that much people in a while

  10. god help us all
    1. QKSILVR73


      tis just a scratch!!

    2. Ham


      This shit is crazy, people tanking head shots happens a lot now.

    3. ComradeGoonie


      Cause that helmet totally is meant to stop bullets and not shrapnel. ;)

  11. Put them back and make it that you can have Sgt + to raid a Cartel Island. Just like now lol
  12. Text him saying leave the area or die, if he sticks around pop the Medic and he has NLR.
  13. Is this legit
  14. Angel got destroyed by my boy @Trumper. Feelsbad.exe

  15. uninstall_youtube.exe
  16. poseidon4headadmin gary4headdev
  17. To not fail another test
  18. f3dz ezz m8 But honestly, get some good shots with you and come equipped and you're good to go.
  19. Whomever the 'Justin' is who donated today on my Ghostcock retexture stream, shoutout to you (Y)

  20. I can guarantee you Gary won't decide to promote someone because a member posted '__4ademoun' on Forum. He'll most likely be thinking what's for dinner or how to say Three to not make it sound like Tree. It's nice to see Bubbaloo be appreciated like this, yes, but this will in the end start producing salt and also why Bubbaloo for admin? There are other Moderators who do as much which is not fair on them. If you want to appreciate someone, appreciate the whole staff team.
  21. really...
  22. A lot of people donut want striders sOoOoOoOoo
  23. Help me with ideas for the Ghostcock www.twitch.tv/konkz <3

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