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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. I can recall MC, too
  2. Happy birthday sexy

  3. @Ares Anywho, this is a real surprise to me. I hope you lead Olympus into a great place my dude!
  4. Most memorable? Playing Cop with ya boi Fluffy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow1aEMstJ8s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV8LI_fjQEM
  5. I miss you @Tiger
  6. When you get sick of getting robbed and just gtfo
  7. Nice owner @McDili


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      @Fedot you'll find I was, am and always will be a saint. Such words would never come out of my mouth - so neck up :KappaHD:

    3. FlapJack



  8. didnt get a shoutout -1
  9. @Grandma Gary my stats don't work halp
  10. I saw the post and I thought it'll be a 'News Team Member' post, they post cringey shit.. right?
  11. You're thinking of some other pedo that played on Olympus
  12. Haven't had one in past few months. Solution: Uninstall
  13. I haven't gotten a shoutout therefore I will not like it. Also, you never fixed my status update perms Reported </3 @Bubbaloo Burrito
  14. So do I, post has been perma deleted by him though as he said something and when I quoted it and said "Thats no way for head admin to talk" he got pissy
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