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Everything posted by Excision

  1. Can we get some pool party clothes in the conquest shop? Its an arma 3 summer after all.

  2. damn this is tough, ima go with the minor at wendy's for my meal and bev
  3. Could someone explain this in Fortnite terms?
  4. this fat bitch more suppressed than hunter bidens laptop

  5. admin are so buys they have to *not shower *enjoy furry/hentai
  6. Bohemia employees having to deal with this shit at 9am on a Monday.
  7. Art


    1. JordanBeatCoivd


      exactly guy is a freak and weird

    2. Farrel


      What server is that jw for a friend......... 

  8. Excision


    conquest is just dead rn idk why people lying about being invited to parties
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. xanx


      Who said it was unplanned? are you retarded?

    3. buckie


      we all know it is 

    4. xanx


      Bunch of degens coming to their own delusional conclusions, look pal, not everyone has no point in life and has no idea what they're doing like you

  9. Excision


    1m dm me
  10. fuck a server wipe we need a staff points wipe.
  11. daily reminder to reduce s3 death respawn timer.

  12. me after getting killed by a dev in a ghost hawk for the 20th time


  13. @ torre  Episode #2 this weekend?

    1. mat the w

      mat the w

      @ torre  I would love to make a guest appearance

    2. Farrel


      @ torre your fans want #2

    3. torre
  14. Happy Birthday Prime @ DeadPool       i sent a bbw pumpkin to ur house 🙏

  15. me after playing 2 rounds of cherno (winter)

    Spongebob My Eyes GIF - Spongebob My Eyes Burning - Discover & Share GIFs

    1. Millennium


      @ Zahzi probably likes how blinding it is. Fucking light mode FREAK

    2. WALT


      @ Millennium light mode, best mode.

  16. Both factions have more pedos than NAMBLA
  17. Olympus, Mecca for Gamers
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