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Bobby El Churro

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Everything posted by Bobby El Churro

  1. Bro dont change my post

    are u have low iq? 

    why do this

  2. of516gv.png

    im not baba change my name boba

    @ stayclaxxy is my baba

  3. Don't change my post motherfuckers

    1. stayclaxxy


      I’m changing it as we speak 


  5. Due to racism and sharing using my name, I will permanently delete my forum account. i need admin

    @ Grandma Gary @ xsmitherz @ Masonn

    1. Zeuse


      Dude you just need to calm down. You are extremely disrespectful and rude, and when someone says something back to you you turn into a baby. Chill out. 😐

  6. I condemn racism against black people in Olympus It's very hard to be black on this server, there is a lot of racism.



    Black Lives Matter | [various artists] | Phantom Limb

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      your mother my lover

    3. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      @ Skys Tell your mother,""" in the game I play, a man wants to fuck you """"

    4. Skys


      ok man ill make sure to tell her a goat raping mud hut dweller wants to meet her

  7. @ Ryan how can i report stayclaxY?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stayclaxxy
    3. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      banned this racist or i will report you in  real life dont be a racist server @ Ryan

    4. Kodakk


      Please don’t be so mean to my good friend @ stayclaxxy  he’s really a nice guy 

  8. American dudes are lowkey kinda hot

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      stayclaxxy is motherfucker bro

    3. stayclaxxy


      i wouldn't do such a thing

    4. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      you are not funny bro u just fucking mıtherfucker idiot

  9. I want to organize a pissing party in Kavala. I need an Turkish flag in Kavala Square.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. buckie


      Is pooing on the flag allowed too?

    3. Revenge


      @ buckie  You wear your own flag as underwear on your ass. You can shit as much as you want.

    4. buckie


      @ Revenge  some low gdp talk Sandal warrior 

  10. @ stayclaxxy this is you bro I respect staycalaxy with down syndrome @ Kito revenge is the same age as your father, respect him you freak son of a bitch
  11. admins are afraid of Luigi no banned them
  12. Tell me the name of the person who tied your leash, let's talk to him.



  13. unhappy birthday @ Lea


    1. Lea


      Spoiler alert. My birthday was already amazing 

  14. i am black. unbanned revenge he not racist
  15. @ Mighty happy birthday bro

    @ Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup  hapyy birthday fuıck yourslef

  16. You betrayed Silla
  17. dont sell it i can give you 1 redgull + 1 rook with 2 ammo
  18. Trump and Putin meet in Istanbul, I tell Turkey is the world leader, stop being stupid


    1. xanx


      Putin is true world leader mister masonn

  19. https://youtu.be/HunJ7xWoAlU

    sharia one day comming for olympus

    we will kill all ugly bitch

    1. -B-


      I’m cool though, right?

  20. its not rdm but fail rp i think
  21. I will remove your authorization before you retire, I will come with the people you trust most with you.

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