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Everything posted by QKSILVR73

  1. if he dies, he dies

    1. Josh



      1 minute ago, Josh122 said:



      1 minute ago, Josh122 said:



      Shit as well

      Might also be dumb

    2. QKSILVR73


      Well, no shit Sherlock. When did you become a detective?

  3. Anyone follow the Rap battles on Youtube?


  4. Anybody playing Apex Legends? Kinda hooked on it

  5. Fallout76 Preload YAY!


  6. So are we getting full price of the Quinlins and Prowlers when we sell them.


    1. NokiaStrong



      you will get them remove and comped


  7. Just gain altitude to like 3-4k then shut your engine off to save fuel and glide down and land somewhere. Chances are they aren't looking up. I get away all the time that way
  8. Lil Big



  9. Diggin this station on Pandora. https://www.pandora.com/station/play/4066186049081152328

  10. Seems like your HDD is trying to catch up or windows update is running in background.
  11. You can, but make sure you install Steam first, then just migrate your steam apps over. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pmyqtIAt14
  12. Yes, correct. you may be able to just unhook one from your cd drive and do that too if you want to get started. You will still need one though if you want to use the old HDD eventually
  13. There should be an extra one. If not, unplug one from a dvd/cd drive and use that should be the black part that you are looking for.
  14. plug it in to another sata port and power cable assuming you have another sata cable around. Unless this is a laptop
  15. How do I move Windows 10 to a new SSD? To do so, follow these steps: Open EaseUS Todo backup. https://www.easeus.com/backup-software/personal.html Choose Clone from the left sidebar. Click Disk Clone. Choose your current hard drive with Windows 10 installed on as the source, and choose your SSD as the target. Check Optimize for SSD (this assures that your partition is correctly 'formatted' for the SSD) Click Next Also you may want to do a disk cleanup including system files if you decide to it this way.
  16. Your arma3 folder with keybinds will be changed. There are free programs that copy your OS to your new one. A fresh install would be best though. Should migrate the installion key without an issue
  17. Sooooo, when do I get me special tags for donating some dollars? LOL :hmm:

  18. Think I'll wait to donate for September goal.

  19. Dammit! we need an admin STAT! Mas RDM on S1 Kavala. I whole group of em killing medics and all

  20. I have a DP25 house and garage. PM me if serious.
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