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Everything posted by QKSILVR73

  1. changing shifts for work means I have to wait one more week to play. Sniff sniff sniff howl howl

  2. Bummed I can't play Olympus. Only week I can play and I get the ole hammer.

  3. I bite when threatened. But not so much.
  4. What's the point of breaking into a house? It's not like you can take anything out of it. Or am I missing something?
  5. poor little Bojo
  6. Yeah was just last night when your pc crashed.
  7. the only thing is you should reply to your chat LOL
  8. Ohh so that's what was going on while I was getting my turtle poaching on? Thanks HEHEH
  9. they want more players on two servers than spread out over 3
  10. in game name QKSILVR73. Ive been around for a couple months just never introduced myself. Always on Server 3. Too bad they are killing it. :/ You'll usually find me doing legal stuff in Olympus and running around single. Yeah it has it's downfalls but I don't mind. I'm usually am on around 12-7am on the weeks I work 2nd shift. Please don't shoot me. LOL
  11. aww man I like server 3. I only play late nights 12am CSt to 6am CSt once every three weeks. Oh well. It is what it is.
  12. This is the reason I have been reluctant to drop back on. I just bought a house and two garages after several months of gameplay. don't want to keep adding if it' going to be wiped away. I am sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. Get it done and over with or not at all.
  13. I've been on the good receiving end of Burban on numerous occasions. That's not to say they eventually won't kill me someday. :/
  14. QKSILVR73


    Yeah usually run my myself too running oil etc. The legal stuff. Tonight had fun doing illegal stuff like holding people up for peaches. Was with a group and we marrooned him on a small island. LOL
  15. Thanks for the help
  16. I know the 12 is earplugs correct?
  17. So I am a bit confused or maybe I am just not doing it right. How exactly do I bind the earplugs to the user actions. I have bound a key to number 12 and when in game nothing really happens.
  18. I make money all they time at Server #3. Legally btw. Sometimes I'm killed fro my stuff other times they just take my vehicle. Most of the time I just sit and stand and say do what ya gotta do. Instead of shooting me take me hostage or something. It gets old having guys pop ya in da head and you just repsawn and got back yo your merry ways. Yeah I'm boring I know. But want to build some cash funds up before I do some fun stuff.
  19. Burban has always been cool to me. One gave me $150,000 once. They also gave me a gun once. Although the PDW I gave them in exchange had 6 mags to the one they left me with. Heck the other night they made me sing Twinkle twinkle little star. LOL
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