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Everything posted by QKSILVR73

  1. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1530425947001011&substory_index=0&id=534048023305480
  2. don't install win10 creators thingy. POS

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Lol why? I installed to make a win10 VM and my main machine is still running win7

    2. QKSILVR73


      Screwed up a few things. Mainly my volume dial on my G510 doesn't work now. I even uninstalled the software and reinstalled. Same with sound card.

  3. Ayyyyye a 1080ti is in my future



  4. Omg someone needs to load up that video from last night!!! on server 1. CLASSIC


  5. can't pull cars out of owned garages :/


    1. Serpico


      Working on those now.

    2. Serpico


      Hotfix is out, we good now?

    3. QKSILVR73
  6. • Request Medic button will be disabled when no medics are online But why? I use this all the time for my NLR timer. :/ Oh well lol
  7. My crate keeps launching out of my house. :/ If I remove it and place it back.down, do I lose my shit?

  8. I hate minecraft lol
  9. I think an event like paintball should be added but you use tazers and accumulate points etc.
  10. I wish I knew how to dupe, cause I'd dupe Medics. Cause they can save me.
  11. when you're in a wasteland server and a hacker gives everyone 10,000,000,000 in bank and on them. Then it highlights them on map. lol

  12. Note to self.  Don't drink and play Altis Life cause you may grab Marijuana and try to process it again.  :FeelsBad:

  13. Just saw the movie LIFE.  Wow, just wow. Great movie!

  14. post locked in 3, 2, 1... Cause it's just a flame-war now
  15. How does one delete attachments from posts? I can't edit the post or delete them on the attachment page.

  16. I got RDm'd at that ATM where APD hide near the FED. They shot me as I was standing at ATM thinking they would get my $$. Nope the steps swallowed it. Sweet justice.
  17. punching in the numbers is effectively like using numbers on an ATM machine -1000000000
  18. Got to meet Michael Cudlitz, and Brett Dalton today. :o

  19. wow!! That's probably some medics never moved LOL
  20. Probably not. Cnet is a pretty reputable site.
  21. http://download.cnet.com/Windows-Live-Movie-Maker/3000-13631_4-10965753.html
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