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Everything posted by Cory

  1. Some are false banned... 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monster



    3. Xlax



    4. RetecI


      False ban fraali😡

  2. u think everybody cheats stop this
  3. Peach collector traced someone through a wall. A big difference than a smoke.
  4. Cory

    @ WALT


    Dont live ban me thanks

    1. WALT


      I hope I will never have too, thanks Cory.

  5. Cory


    $1 take it of leave it
  6. weres fraali at??
  7. Heard this @ Decimus guy got promoted congrats man and @ Xlax  2 now someone remove my fucking casino restriction!

  8. o7 the homies who got taken out with TSS detection 

  9. Ill be honest I would like to see Thomas back but this.. This is an interesting way to go about that good luck Thomas.
  10. Happy Birthday @ hawk

    Real MF right here

    1. hawk


      Thanks Val pro, glad u got over ur Arma addiction!!

  11. he took the saying "if you cant beat em join em" a little too serious
  12. average @ Fraali and @ Mako W
  13. Cory

    WTB hawk

    what about me wtf... @ Lucien seems hawk is cheating on you
  14. why are you lying?
  15. @ WALT

    Happy Birthday and remember...


  16. @ hawk  miss you man... come back home 

  17. ur retarded if u think i would ever pay that much LMFAOOO
  18. you care way to much about arma my man, wake up
  19. bro only person who is on there knees is you for how much u dick ride me for these posts lmfaoo grow up ur legit 26 tryna start beef w a 18 year old stop being weird
  20. you care way to much about me lmfaoo if only some people had the brain to know sarcasm...
  21. Cory


    ur trolling right?
  22. GEESE will buy all the geese for 5m...
  23. yes
  24. i got 5 dollars....
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