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Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

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Everything posted by Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

  1. It was a little annoying when bohemia made the developer remove incest because it is very easy to end up with a lot of creatures that are related to each other and hard to breed when it keeps popping up the message incest is not allowed. It can get hard to keep track of all of the creatures on your farm. The "stable" management system is a little clunky also because of the way the menus work.
    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      What in the blue hell is wrong with you?

  2. Can you just resign? Everybody is tired of you. The only people that like you on this server do so to benefit from your rank - which was instituted, and not voted on. Every single integral player is leaving this community due to you and people like you. Olympus is now just made up of tryhard young adults which provide nothing but toxicity to the community. You have single-handedly killed this server with yourself and your Autism crew. You're actually starting to affect revenue for the server now so maybe Ryan will realize his friend is a gigantic retard and put literally anybody else in the role. This community isn't even a fraction of what it used to be - and you are steadily putting it into the dirt the longer you are around in this community. You keep on whining about all you have done for this community yet we haven't seen anything practical. You pushed clothing options for donors... OK! Cool! Yet we still didn't achieve the dono goal outside of Oly+. You are objectively a failure in your role. Why people like @ Fraali or @ Civak aren't trusted to run this server is absolutely beyond me. Those two are literally fundamentally the reason Olympus ever sustained itself for the past few years but here we are letting gigantic retards like you: @Mako, make decisions.
  3. VIP on Olympus indicates you are bad with money
  4. Controversial take but I would not worry about investing until you have a year of expenses saved first. That means food, rent, mortgage, whatever you need to survive. Your first property purchase will be about 3% MINIMUM for a down payment and 2.5% minimum for closing costs (unless the seller pays or family helps you out) I would eye what your average home sale price is in your area and save that ONTOP of the year of expenses to have ready to purchase a home. There really is no benefit to keeping cash liquid but I have a lot of my money in Ally's high-yield savings which is at ~4% right now. It's not great but I am not looking at my trades everyday worried about them. I can instead make money AND keep my money decently away from inflation's harvest. You would unironically be better off investing in a local business than a major company if you have less than $50,000. Quick noted thought but you can put up to $10,000 in a Roth IRA to withdraw tax free towards a home purchase.
  5. wow now we are just stuck with social retards with video game ranks it is over the entire community is now copy and paste libtards
  6. I can’t prove it because I made it up
  7. Do not purchase from this individual. I bought a CMR and they scammed me. I have logs to prove it
  8. Can't believe this dumbass is community manager @ Mako The same way corporate structures / government structures are affected by their leadership we see it here with Mako and the subsequent dead APD / gameplay what skins are you removing for you to shill Oly+ on us next update?
  9. I put the changes in AI chat detection and there is a 100% likelihood that these are AI generated. Where is Winter’s corpse and what synth has taken control of his forums account?
  10. None of the current sAPD. They are honest to god all bad. All repeats of the Mita/Rabid sitting in a virtual cop car e-flirting while everybody else just wants to play the game. The current sAPD summarized are all valorant couples. @ Iceman should be re-instated and put in as a chief as he is not a try hard at the game and genuinely just likes the community. All the other people are grinding stats because their real life goals are lackluster and they attempt to find meaning in something that will be gone in <5 years. How much "experience" do you really need for a virtual police chief role? I mean get real. If not someone neutral then just slam an admin into the role. I never liked @ Headless or @ ThatNerdyGuy too much but at the very least they have a very good knowledge of the faction and understanding of what makes people want to play it. Put one of them in that role for two hours a week and it'll be eons better than what it is now. The current APD is complete dogshit. I just got deputy a few weeks ago to play a bit and I couldn't get pulled for a PO quiz even with all seniors on. You used to get those tests the literal minute after you had enough time. When I was on civ council a long time ago everyone there hated @ ThatNerdyGuy and @ Headless because they would deny nearly every single civ council change over APD changes. They absolutely love that faction and it was unironically thriving when they were playing/active.
  11. ok cool how about u get some pussy buddy??? dont respond to me without asking again
  12. What? This just proves it lmao. Guy kills three restrained people, NLRs, and VDMs and gets a 7 day. If that was a normie it would be tried as three separate bans and he would be on a month. Ask me how I know!
  13. and you can probably vote FUCK FUC KFU CK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
  14. Mako is not a staff member, that would imply he passed some sort of vote Mako is Ryan’s buddy he instituted to gestapo the server so the money keeps pumping but he sucks at that too sAPD are the biggest pay pigs of Olympus and he’s somehow fucking that up too Guy needs to go, he is a gigantic detriment to anything this community has been. He is a fragile man child which would be fine if he was competent I don’t like NerdyGuy or Headless but at least they wanted to help the community The only good thing Mako has benefited to this server is the comical video of Sodapoppin’s roommate flaming him
  15. @ Mako You are a gigantic pussy and will always be a pussy. Once this server is done the most power you'll ever exert is some Mid Level management role at a car rental company People like you are solely why individuals make fun of us short people go hop in ur duallie 5 inch lift kit toyota tacoma u fukn pussy
  16. I only buy houses from people with iPhones
  17. these people seriously think they are in some type of real life swat team. I'm all for sAPD slander but do you guys actually think you are police officers? just L O L half of these people have gyno! ghosthawk this, infinite money that, you guys are incredibly mentally ill and need to start lifting
  18. https://gyazo.com/97a8f0aacadb11997f55e8fc6077b30f

    Forgive me if I am wrong but there is an argument to be made that my plane is within an operating flight path. Please consult.

    1. nman


      looks like the APD flew in your way to me. 

  19. This entire argument is defused by the fact that we lose our kits when we die. There is NO risk to playing cop. You guys have buyable hawks, cheaper vehicles, cheaper weapons, and you keep your gear when you die - while also not having to account for NLR. You are too shortsighted by the trees to see the plains. If you incentivize vigilantes on cartels then Therisa camping goes down and you give a decent playground for the reward system. We are nearly guaranteed to find high wanted criminals within cartels that have gear. Why add that system if you're going to make us sit at rebel outposts to get vigilante points?
  20. Because they're not police? Vigilante has been known as a bad/good cop hybrid since the inception. It is literally in the text when you purchase a Vigilante license See top quote of the Olympus Wiki for Vigilantes. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Vigilante I hate you so much. I am as short as you and I do not have such candor
  21. Man, with this whole Winters this I am sorely confused. How are the faction staffing divided up with Olympus? I always thought Ryan pulled the strings but so far here is my analysis: APD is like Congress Developers are like Blackrock Administrators are like the White House janitors Paramedics are like an environmental non-profit Can somebody help me out?
  22. Your buddy sounds like a retard that just weeded himself out. Never trust that guy again. He is a weirdo and if he was in my life he would not be near anybody I know. Plus if I remember your age correctly you have a grown male, adult friend, acting like this LOL! He is a soy filled cuck boy You trust some dude that gets mad over $300 that isn't even his around your kids, family, and potential girlfriends? Nope! Bye! You are the sum of your 5 closest friends, so if you would like to be broke then keep him around
  23. Oh no! You exploited money in a game! You are banned for a year because we take this economy very serious. You can see this by the fact that lead developers and lead admins constantly spawn in gear for their friends!
  24. No it doesn't. https://www.aspeninstitute.org/blog-posts/hidden-costs-of-consumer-debt/#:~:text=16 percent of suicides in,associated with mental well-being. "16 percent of suicides in the US occur in response to a financial problem."
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