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Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

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Everything posted by Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

  1. Maybe unban all non-cheating perms. If Arma 3's population is getting smaller, which it is, why keep punishments for those who may have done something one to two years ago in defense of a population that is not there? We all know the permanent bans are not as quickly reviewed as the currents. In a fourth wall way the VDMers and RDMers are what makes the server go round.
  3. The argument that skill correlates to war point accumulation is false due to the nature of war points currently being transferable. If you're going to make a currency unable to be traded, which one was able, just remove the currency. An alternative would be a forced payout of war points ($15,000 per?) and an addition of a new currency which works the exact same way. I would only recommend this if there were new items added.
  4. I've been on Olympus since 2015. You using the term 'simp' as a father of a young child is sad man. Get it together - that kid is the future and you're sitting here calling people simps -- was your dad doing that?
  5. Man, guy just had a kid and his username is 'Xanx' and drops n bombs for white suburban kids on a MIL-SIM roleplay game. I am praying for that kid. Turn your life around to give that thing a chance.
  6. sounds like the exact same game that it has been for five years
  7. After staff were abusing their positions? lol
  8. LOL this is hilarious as I have had multiple staff members deny requests due to insufficient evidence due to name tags after being air rammed in the middle of nowhere If this is true this sheds a lot of light on those situations
  9. A lot of editors in this server.

    Is there a plugin/function in an editor that instantly cuts any video/wav that isn't peaking?

    I do some content and have been manually cutting out pauses but I know there's some type of automation somewhere.

    1. Jazzy


      there's a script for ae that auto cuts out any silent parts in the audio ive always found it useless but i guess it could be useful if you're editing some sort of voice over   

    2. Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      Thanks, that's exactly what I'm looking for

  10. MacBook Airs are specifically for browsing. Don’t worry about the MacBook haters, they play Arma 3. I picked up a Microsoft Surface years ago and that thing just sucks. I sold it due to how laggy it was getting. I’ve had my MacBook Pro 13.3 inch for literally four years and it’s still stellar. Bright screen due to the backlight they use, fast as can be, perfect for work. They also make apple refurbished which is basically brand new due to Apple’s standards. Don’t fall for the laptop gaming meme though. Just get a compact if you want to game, laptop gaming is just stupid. The time it takes to set it all up you’re going to need a bunch of random stuff to enjoy yourself on a game like Arma.
  11. Vigilante Renown Points Point Gain/Loss Accumulated after 100 arrests Points are only gained after arresting a player over $200K and Geared Ex: T3 Vest and TRG+ Gain 1 Point per $200k of bounty Rounds down Arresting a player with either a bounty less than $100k and little to no gear then a point is lost Renown Point Shop Vermin 2RP 9mm Suppressor 6RP Vigilante Rank 5+ Promet 4RP Car-95 4RP Promet MR 5RP Thanks
  12. I hate Ivy I am a simp to the Sillanese people. My funds remain loyal to them. Your funds remain loyal to the e-girls of Olympus.
  13. @ Dr Pepper slayer of simps
  14. SPBojo spending his relative's inheritance is quite literally a historic Olympus Lore Point. You are correct. I am very poor and destitute, I have never made a dime!!!
  15. You think I'm reading this? LOL 'volitile' LOOOOL Forex or Celsius trader LOOOOL stay POOR
  16. Whatever helps you rationalize spending a thousand from a relative's inheritance to supplicate some Arma 3 female and to gain textures made by a 16 year old on a video game.
  17. You didn't add proof at all Congratulations on a margin similar to a stim check LOL
  18. The fact you had to flex this just shows me you're poor LOL bro in hustler university LOOOOL
  19. Not going to argue with a dude that paid $100 to tailor 4 inches of virtual cop sleeves on.
  20. Donor tag you're lucky I'm even talking to you, typically paypigs have to speak to my secretary I will tell your mother when I see her tonight that I thank her for keeping the developers at a minimum wage salary
  21. Allows tier 3 vigilantes+ to respawn at the HQ OK Cool. What are tier 5's getting to balance this? You guys keep degrading awards for Vigilante while adding absolutely nothing. Did it with Prowler now doing it with respawns, and the biggest change we could get added is a rebrand Redgull? Who the hell is on Vigi council? LOL
  22. Silla is the backbone of the server. If you didn't have Silla you'd just have a dysgenic conglomerate of British people and 30 year old Americans who still play Arma 3
  23. That's great Bengalsfan99. We will just be moving houses to players that don't keep houses in the first place. Make sure to make the rule change around us!
  24. We're just going to disperse them around people we trust lol Circus take! How about your dumbass staff members and designers reallocate houses? There are tons of utils being wasted across the map but for some reason we want a new Frog Pro, New Oil Pro, and other non-sensical changes to rationalize why you have an army of Designers and Devs. Isn't the trello like 300 backlogged? smh
  25. Another mommy's credit card $1,000 donor!!! DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!!!
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