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About TheKronos

  • Birthday 01/19/2000

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  1. fake news https://youtu.be/X7VNHgza8GE?t=1m51s
  2. not apd bud
  3. i think you're actually dumb.
  4. If or when i RDM, VDM, or CL on you i want u to think back to this moment before you open up that support ticket https://gyazo.com/48b7d4709389198b6321230673a8165f
  5. HMU when you have a "thot patrol" or "comp or ban" on a white hoodie and ill buy it 100% but i think ima buy the nobody learnt me that hoodie is it possible to throw goats face on a shirt ?
  6. enter
  7. Good meme
  8. Ummmmm goat ummm black list ?????
  9. RIP 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Energy


      When Ares gets 2 people permed in a day for a * eckdee gr8 admin

    3. Caustic_


      When someone DDOS' you, so you put their IP as your name and get banned for Harassment....

    4. Airborne
  10. Good idea but for now a prowler full of deputies is gonna have to do
  11. We Love U Roguey 


    1. Energy


      :FeelsBad: :FeelsBad: 

      Dosent give me credit :FeelsBad::FeelsBad:

  12. l it was i bunch of randies... kinda like u
  13. ok bud first things first g3T gud. I actually escorted a diamond run earlier today, so what ur saying is false. From what i can tell either the sirens scared the robber enough he left or it was already done when they got there. Also they said they would let u go in 20 min which should be a red flag to u. Since u studied the handbook so well im sure u know processing can only last 15 min without interference. Anyways i'm pretty sure they let u go after they were done processing u hehe xd. i love how u legit make up rules as soon as ur able to speak. like i get how a rotor tap can be seen as vdm to newer player, but there is nothing anywhere that says "u have to respond to the situation u originally meant to". btw u should try to press c
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