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Everything posted by xsmitherz

  1. Congrats @ Wong  on getting SGT!!!

  2. Congrats @ Dylan Rodgers  on getting Corporal!!

  3. bro actually got exposed holy cow
  4. @ Ryan These full screen ads gotta go

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Zeuse


      Don't know what's worse, the fact that there are ads, or that @ xsmitherz doesn't use an ad blocker... 😐

    3. Ryan


      I think Google just doesnt like @ xsmitherz  cause I removed them and left one at the bottom and they added 2 more to his screen LMFAO I excluded like the entire web page besides the bottom so hopefully it will fix 😛 Respect the support on the adsense front though

    4. Poon


      no adblocker in 2024 is crazy

  5. Happy birthday @ ares @ Strae @ notsodank!

    1. Milo


      Oops was on mobile and didn't realize I'd missed you guys- happy birthday @ Strae  and @ ares !!!

    2. xsmitherz


      @ Milo  get ur own status update nerd

    3. ares
  6. Astro A50X
  7. @ nicole
  8. @APD OfficerSearching is currently bugged. When going through L.I.S.T., base it only on what you can see on the player and ignore the virtual inventory for now until it is hotfixed. When seizing items make sure to say "anything illegal on your person will be seized" as you might be taking something you don't know is there.

    1. billdroid


      If you don’t you’ll be banned*

    2. wr5thx


      ill be zeixing the 400 crystal meth off your body. *comp request incoming*

    3. xsmitherz


      It's all fixed now! 🙂

  9. Jan 6 2017


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Millennium


      I think my screenshot was right before zoom & mako both got Sgt @ billdroid lmao

    3. -dante-


      Zoom was already Sgt unless he 2xd Sgt 

    4. Millennium


      @ -dante- he left and came back for a second time when Chris was chief

  10. 7218518ad4a34c250f61ab9d42f8e0d8.png

    Windows Preview Build goes hard

  11. this was way too fast
  12. No match for a fully activated ATU.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Yeah @ ben-  have some respect for @ Zeuse  do you know how many MX-SW’s he’s given to kavala? It’s almost like he hands them over because he doesn’t shoot back 

    3. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      @ Big Boss Fredo   You gotta understand how @ Zeuse  fights back.  You're probably already fucked and don't realize it.  He's gonna let zombie mall cop redesign kavala. 

    4. ben-
  13. i dont have a prob with yah, i was makin a joke over the whole proud situation and the jay/mako/marcus one
  14. If she has an AI video on you too blink twice
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