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About SatanNoname

SWAT Member

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  1. @ xsmitherz can non oly players play biggest question cuz if yes its over (csgo)
  2. You are still able to do illegal activities, if caught, you will be dealt appropriately by the APD. Consult the APD Handbook and the APD Ticket Guide for more information. @ Orbit just catch the people doing it and send them to jail like we can't restrain cops just get better at cop there is a charge for tasing cops like the po7 is good in all but its 9 mil semi like its not hard to put yourself in a situation to where u won't get robbed i lasted almost 3-4 months and i only got robbed 1 time by a po7 and the only reason that was cuz i went to kav but yall know kav is not a spot to spawn like just be smart when doing shit
  3. go into the vigi rules and tell me where it says i can't rob cops
  4. 5mil @ Dmoney
  5. selling a 3c in molos
  6. come back to oly so i can be active on this shit server as well
  7. lol everything you left in my house is crazy im fucking rich im prob gonna do the same soon getting bored of oly
  8. i loved giving medics sui vest and not being able to use them it was fire u know not like 20mil down the drain for nothing lol i love the t1 vigi so i can vigi cops
  9. idk why but its just a feeling while watching this video
  10. nman = ni man
  11. ngl when u made this post 11 cops got robbed ty for the mar10s mk1s promets and more thank u PD ill will be using it back on u again
  12. if i win i will be giving a random naked a mk1 taser
  13. :] 1mil
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