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Everything posted by N9ne

  1. @ Grandma Gary - Can you step in here. I really DO NOT want to see it
  2. By chance, what is your steam account or steam id?
  3. Happy Birthday @ Lucien , I wish we could have had the DODGE RAM added to S3 already so we could go mudding together for your B-day ❤️ 

  4. "glm wouldnt have a base if woo was spinning" Corrected it for you
  5. Atleast remove the transferring of war points
  6. Requires an active dev to work on it…..
  7. Feature not a bug
  8. @ Rexo can I still RDM/VDM you?
  9. Well I know who to target with phishing scams now....
  10. Shes a MAN! APRIL FOOLS!

  11. Can confirm as well. These guys are great dudes

    1. Welshy


      but mine touches a bush, Blows up................

    2. doubleueyeceekay


      you do that and its a funny video, i do that and i get


  13. This was a good day
  14. N9ne

    selling huron

    I do not see one in your garage? Is it an Armed Huron?
  15. Should've hands up or died that donkey for FailRP
  16. Happy birthday you hot man @ Weaz

    1. Weaz


      thanks man appreciate it, sorry i missed your last message lol

  17. The Cartel's Council has one open slot! If you are interested, please read through here and apply: 


  18. Hey man, please leave my account alone! I was just testing the dupes
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