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Everything posted by Hades

  1. I love you man...
  2. Ya never know, on a side note I don't think I ever open steam anymore to be honest...lol. I prob have a dozen messages if i were to go and check..
  3. Damnit, don't make me come back and put you all in your places....lol
  4. While I haven't been on the server in a bit last I checked the Vigi shop has a chest rig that is pretty much the same as the GA in regards to stats. Everyone can get that unless it was changed.
  5. Ace is always a good guy to pick on imo...lol
  6. Lies Jendrak had me beat by a couple years and I believe there is Mod who is older then I as wel so HA....lol
  7. Happy B-Day young old man!
  8. Thanks. I just figured it was time as there was some changes being made and I just felt I couldn't do what I needed to do any longer.
  9. Multiplayer always bashes the best of systems. If you don't have a high end system then some adjustments to the video options are going to be needed. Below is a link to a guide that should help you get started in increasing your frame rates. Click HERE for guide
  10. Check out the following link for donation info - CLICK HERE
  11. That is how the rules have been in the past. Now of course I can't say if it has been changed or not since I stepped down.
  12. As it was in the past if they sent you a message then it started the 5 minute timer. if no shots were fired or a real threat was shown then the timer keeps counting down. It was done this way to prevent people from doing just what your explaining. Basically if someone is just sending you text message but haven't even attempted to fire at you then once 5 minutes are up you can store a vehicle even if they are hovering right above your head.
  13. As everyone can see the Admin tag is now officially removed. ATM from discussions with Poseidon he will be taking over the Head Admin spot. All the admins are competent and if your unable to get ahold of Poseidon don't be afraid to contact one of the other admins. If it does require something more important then contact Poseidon in the same manner that you guys did with me in the past. He has stated his room will not be hidden on TS so people will be able to contact him when needed there. If you don't see em on then sending him a PM on the website should get a response as well. I still hope the best for Olympus and plan to still be around to play at times. Good Luck, happy hunting and have fun all!
  14. If its getting to a point where they are borderline harassing the APD then get some proof and def put in a ticket. As I've always said there is a line between having fun and going to far. Myself I always looked at this sort of thing as trolling or harassment if it got to a degree. If its a constant issue then have the proof and let the staff look it over. On a side note, Emergency text messages are suppose to be used for emergency reasons not to have a convo or to just troll the APD.
  15. At some point they should be back from what Poseidon has stated. He has to redo the code for it so it matches up with the new site themes. Stats are still being tracked, people just can't see em atm is all.
  16. Hard to know what your watching until you actually watch it since the title is usually misleading.
  17. Thanks for reminding me I'm getting older...lol. Thanks for the B-Day messages.
  18. Maybe Mishtif will make a comeback to the servers. Kinda miss them days.
  19. At least I got you your Potatos before I left...lol
  20. Thx everyone for the kind words, it really does mean something. I love this community and don't plan to straight up leave it. I will still be here whether you see me or not. I will still be doing my thing until another person steps up fully to the plate. I don't want to just up and quit on everyone but I do need to step down due to various reasons. Over the next week or so as things are transitioned you will notice more of a change and who will be stepping into the role.
  21. Dear Community, To some this may or may not be a good thing. For those that know and have had dealings with me I for the most part hope it was a good experience. For those that haven't had any time with me I am sorry. Over the recent month or so I have debated as to whether I was going to stay on as the Head admin. After much thought I've decided to go ahead and step down from this role. There are a variety of reasons why I have decided to do this but in the end I just feel I'm unable to do the things I need to do as a Head admin. Whether it be due to limits players push or limitation on what I'm able to do to fulfil the role itself. While I love the community and hope it grows I have decided I simple can't do much more then I already have. I do hope whoever fills the role at this point is able to continue to help the community grow and become something much bigger and stronger then it is already. There have been many changes, good and bad, since I've started. As of recent a large number of people have returned to Olympus and I hope to see this continue if they are deserving. I hope new and older players alike are able to help each other out when needed. Remember we were all new at one point and someone show'd us the way. With that I bid you all a fond farewell and wish you the best of luck. To those who have supported me through the almost year and a half, I thank you. I will be sticking around for just a bit longer to help the next person get ready for the role as Head admin. Any questions during that time I am willing to try and answer. Once an official new head admin has been assigned it will hopefully be announced and everyone will welcome them with open arms. Thank you everyone for the time, it has been a great one. Jeff aka Hades
  22. We have and never will give chances to someone who has Hacked/Cheated/Exploited no matter the reason or how sorry they may be.
  23. No as he will not be given another chance due to the reason for the ban. This is the same reason there are others who are not given another chance. Certain actions are simply not allowed and chances are not given for them actions. Ppl assume they know why this player is banned when in fact they do not.
  24. The issue is when you see children shooting guns, mutilated bodies, dead children, obvious suggestive themes in the video and so forth. If you want it to be funny then make it funny, do not use issues that many people take offensively. The suggestions you are putting in the videos and the way people are perceiving them are of your own fault. You create the videos because you know the reaction it will receive. As simple as this, if you make a video and it is perceived to be a RL terrorist nature, good or bad, it's going to get removed. If there are dead children in the video, it will be removed. If it is felt to be out of line with what we allow it will be removed. Keep the content to the game not RL situations. On a side note, Pete you are banned from the servers already on a permanent basis. You really don't need access to the forums being the ban will never be lifted. Be grateful that you have not lost this access.
  25. Since this has become an issue I do just want point out something for those that assume the staff don't care when things like this happen. From what info I have received I think the players of Mayhem got shafted hard. All the staff I have spoken with agree it was a shit thing to do. However with that said it is not the staffs responsibility to regulate how a gang is maintained. We leave this up to the gang itself and as such we are not going to get involved if things like this happen. We allow different ranks setup within gangs to allow them to maintain themselves. If we, as staff, had to get involved in situations like this then we would also have to get involved in other situations where honestly we shouldn't. Now it isn't that we don't care as some may assume it's just not our place to get involved. No rules are broken when players within a gang do something like this. While it may be a slimy thing to do it is part of the game. People lose things all the time, just in this case it was a much larger thing that was lost. I can't say what the intentions were when the players did it other then what they have said in previous postings. While we may not agree with it we also not going to go in and remove the funds from them as they did in fact have the access to do this. I don't know of any other servers that would regulate this sort of activity either because as stated it comes with playing the game. In the end choose who you trust and play with carefully. In AL things can change in an instant and friends can become foes just as quickly.
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