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Everything posted by Chaotix

  1. You know in retrospect, running heroin in a police SUV probably wasn't the best idea.

    1. D3V1L


      Moonshine run w/ a police sport is the way to go :p

    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      Doing mushroom in a police hunter or strider is the way to go

  2. I'm back motherfuckers......

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Welcome back motherfucker? 

  3. CS:GO boxes.....nuff said. Got a decent skin? Statrak Evil Daimyo M4A4 though.

  4. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541890674819980809/470B13C714257AA2BACA349D8FE92DC930453DC3/ found this gem in my screenshots (: good times from when i was a deputy...with an army.
  5. Pinkstreak and her APD lackeys VS. Chaotix and his arabian hot potato. Mark my words.

  6. I'm thinking about getting back in A3L and Arma in general...kind of miss the late night MC shenanigans

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Chaotix


      That's probably the most contradictory statement I've ever read considering vikings were all complete assholes who thought they owned the world.

    3. SPBojo


      we didnt think we owned it ; )

    4. Chaotix


      How's that ego working out for you.

  7. I have just witnessed perfection in the form of batman...

  8. Just got home from my first day back to work since vacation (FML right?) shit day, I demand good RP.

  9. Well i'm gonna have more time to be on, last couple days ive been getting back on regularly 2 week break was just what I needed I guess.

  10. Update 1.40 to Arma 3 ---- this is the changelog ---- http://dev.arma3.com/post/spotrep-00039

    1. Poseidon


      server 1 updated, server 2 will be after it restarts.

    2. Chaotix


      I figured you knew about it :P was just posting so people knew about it, because the changelog wasnt released to steam yet.

  11. Me personally, I havent played in a couple days because there really is no point in playing before the wipe unless it's to blow your cash stack or get civ, cop, or r&r minutes up.
  12. Well...It's been fun Olympus, but tonight I finally leave it behind to start a new life somewhere else, but also similar..?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deebo


      i nearly shed a tear

    3. Chaotix


      Nearly? Deebo I want you to cry your eyes out at the thought you wouldn't get to play with me on cop again. You think i'd leave you behind when you have the best squaker voice, and arresting people with you nearly makes me cry in return?

    4. Chaotix
  13. I'm an idiot, and I deserve to be called one, after 6 months of having this awesome gaming laptop I was so dissapointed by the graphics card, well turns out my default GPU was my integrated Intel card -_- Changed my default to my GTX card and guess what, got like 40-50 more fps in all my games.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hades


      Meh it happens. When ya get a laptop you tend to assume everything using the best part, guess that isn't always the case.

    3. Fedot
    4. Jorbis


      At least you found out...

  14. My APD RP voice...well I was trying to go for a demonic voice, but that requires me making my voice really coarse and hurts the shit out of my throat after a while, so I don't do it as coarse and now im coming off as Darth Vader, still a win in my book!
  15. Try not to mention anything involving being on a computer, being on a game, such as logging into the server stuff of that nature. As a cop ive picked up a couple things like, if someone says they texted the police or something about a bounty they have and I wasnt on to see it ill say something along the lines of "I just got on the clock and dont have any knowledge of that" or something like that. Uh best advice I can give is honestly, try to come up with a back story, like say you're a peach farmer who fell on some hard times and had to reduce yourself to robbing people in the back alleyways of Kavala (happens all day long btw) I hope this somewhat helped.
  16. Virus said I had a god RP voice. I can now die happy.

  17. As opposed to rooks at dawn? (rooks at dawn has a much more clich
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