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Soapy Smith

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Everything posted by Soapy Smith

  1. Whats up with 4 cops on the server, and 3 of the 4 are rolling together? It should be changed to <5 LEO's online, one per car.

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Sometimes I want to team up with most of my favorite officers but I don't because I have to make sure the server is balanced.  If there are no Corporals or higher online the officers are going to team up as they see fit.  I like to remind them that they should always try and split up as much as possible and to avoid stacking up the Kavala channel.  When I was a P.O I used to patrol by myself or with just one other officer.  More than three officers on my channel can really turn into a clusterfudge ( yes I don't like swearing if it's not necessary) lol. 

    2. dannyfrog87


      they are not allowed to be on their own any more gotta roll together its just how it is or maybe they could have 2 and 2 in a vehicle. depends on the rank they are also ....

  2. Notice how many people add into the MC recruiting thread daily? This problem will only get worse until a member of OS decides to step in and put a limit on things... How is a newer/smaller gang supposed to compete with that?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Refusing to read anymore.

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      MC is full of shitters their numbers count for nothing.

    4. Soapy Smith

      Soapy Smith

      ^^ Gary really is right. Fucking Moob man. I love your attitude, sucks you are surrounded by 10 year olds...

  3. Tman is spot on. Colorado /thread
  4. I like to party... Do you like to party?

  5. Ive been playin CSGO, trying to get my 10 wins in, stupid cooldowns I'll be back after wipe, not nearly as much bc i've reignited my cs love, but i'll be around
  6. Black/White looks great!
  7. Bring 25 people, more targets
  8. INF doesn't nearly have numbers MC and TREE does..... well, ok, there's three of us.... but we would be interested to partake in this shindig
  9. Good work on this Warfare! Lots of good info here. @Jendrak, what do the police skins look like with the grey portions being white? I really enjoy the skin design itself, just not too hot on the grey/black as it looks more like a swat team design (maybe keep that sucker on the hunter/strider, make the rest black/white). Contrasting colors is always nice because as a civ you can differentiate vehicles based on skins from further out.
  10. Please only use the Bain voice when arresting me (or attempting to).
  11. Gonna be doing some more trick flying tonight in Kavala, look for my crazy backflipping hummingbird, or maybe ill attempt a frontflip in my Mohawk :D

    1. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      Inb4 crash comp or ban

  12. Oh god the gunfight by the HEMMT at 9:18 was bad. He wasn't strafing how'd you miss a whole clip?!
  13. I know you guys said keep it civil, but ^^this type of stuff. this is gold and needs to be quoted. Super power gang? People call you that? Fantastic. Oh and for the podcast, having OS members is always a good thing (OS could address hot topics on the forums), and I agree less talk about APD would be better. I could see setting up a meeting with leaders of larger gangs to have a round table discussion about gang alliances, possible gang wars, owning different zones or drugs areas (this will be perfect once Cartels are a thing). Any talks about upcoming news with Olympus, server changes or changes in roles and responsibilities with OS and why Warfare never cleans his damn room are always good topics as well.
  14. Yep, with no RP you guys handled it well. It sucks that some people don't know how to RP :-/
  15. Enter the area of engagement? So you want them to waltz back into the sandbags? From your description it sounds more of a situation where the friends came to help and the police should have continued with the engagement, even if outside the very specific red-zone you laid out, as long as it stayed within the rules of RP (i.e text, verbal warning from restrained parties, etc). If the shooting started without further RP, then you were right to split up and process the few you caught (i'm assuming that's what happened). If the RP never ended and you took away high bounties from the gunfight I can understand how people would be upset. I hate to say it, but it seems like you're using the vague one line rule about red-zones as a crutch in this instance. RP some more dude!
  16. Just picked up a gtx970 and i7-4790k... now to play the waiting game for them to arrive...

    1. Deathtripper


      Sweet, bet that rips!

    2. Jorbis


      You're going to have some fun with that :D

  17. I agree. We should be able to buy a MM license for like 50-100k and then MJ transport could be legal. Red zones would still make for exciting game play while running, and a small adjustment in sale price could keep it from being OP. Just my .02 (and i may be a bit biased on this one as i live in Colorado )
  18. Drop one of the SSD's and upgrade your proc to a 4790 and RAM to 16g. Might be able to get close to the same price.
  19. Figured i'd do an intro thread since i already replied with a smartass remark to another (and i think he was an admin ) Hi, I'm Dave, in game i'm Soapy Smith. I have been away from Altis for a few months, but decided to start playing again. I was the pilot for a well established (20+ member) rebel group on my last Altis server, so if anyone needs a pilot for hot LZ's just let me know.. Either way i'll be online running dru... SALT, I will be running SALT tonight , hope to see everyone around!
  20. Does anyone else find it odd that Wheatkings decided to quote himself in his sig?
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