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Everything posted by FluffyTEDDY

  1. My hopes are that Ares comes back to the APD Like i said in prev comment, APD is not the same without Ares... And FYI Dilli, Ace have been rekt several times in game as APD so
  2. You where a great leader Ares, and an awesome CoP and you will be missed badly I was glad to see Ace back as CoP at the same time as i was sad to see you step down.. But i have my hopes to see you back with an APD rank, cause APD is not the same without you the non tilde rule was a great feature, wich i use with pride, it makes for good RP and there will allways be a CIV's who gets mad when they get caught cause they don't think shooting someone in front of an APD officer is a good enough reason to get tazed and restrained, or them yelling hands up or die by (gang name) or sending personal text from stating the same is a good enough reason for APD officers to detain them... But like i said, APD is not the same without you and i hope to see you back with an APD rank brother And one more thing, Thanks for all the fun moments sir WE salute you <3
  3. Anyone else having the same problem? how to fix?
  4. on my way home to eat some food and get some hours in with the APD :)

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Go catch some criminals in quads doing weed!

  5. All my love and support goes to you and you family mcdilli, my condolences for your loss <3
  6. To be fair, some MC members should know when to quit the bullying.. Now one person is gonna correct me on this, but he know for a fact what happens cause he had to take it one step to far, and recieved a Harrassment ban for it... SO.. Stop with the bullying, that goes to both sides...
  7. APD DREAMTEAM consists of 5 officers.. Involved in the dreamteam: CORP: Mccringleberry CORP: Batman CORP: Antistud PO: Thomas PO: FluffyTEDDY FluffyTEDDY Ninjadefuse jail 2015 against M
  8. That feeling when you're playing COP, having a good time fighting the fed robbers, suddenly your computer screams for low memory and tells you it will start shutting down programs automaticly to save memory and Arma is on top of the list... GG computer, Y U BE LIKE DIZ?

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I know right? Well I don't know because it has never happened to me. But hey, that's Arma for you.

    2. Tman15tmb


      Time to buy a new toaster fluffy

  9. it think i can count how many fucks Moob is givin this post, and the total number is: 0, NONE, ZIP, NADA, DGAF
  10. I put my money on the Irishman I have a friend from northern Ireland who is pretty CRAZY when it comes to people who want's to fight
  11. Actually that's where i think you're wrong. Battle Royale is a very popular gamemode og Arma 3, and yes i would say that BR could become an E-sport if people took their time to create BR servers on LAN events, and other events where online competetive gaming is in focus
  12. CLARIFYING!!! APD can, will and are perfectly following APD standards when they check redzones EVERY 10 minutes... When doing this we ALLWAYS have to go into the redzone with both lights and sirens on as this is standard procedure.. WE don't camp redzones even if you CIVS think we do.. We are checking the whole entire map several times each patrol, and we have a patrol ready and stationed in each city when there is enough APD officers online.. DOES this answer your raging question ? Or is this just more fule to your flamewar?
  13. Sad to hear that you are leaving, you will be missed bill.. i am gonna miss having you around for funny moments in Kavala <3 If you ever where to return, you know where to find us <3
  14. well, i don't like to be shit out of things considered that i would smell but no i would find it rather funny Peter
  15. well, i will be back in a couple of minutes, gotta install the drivers for my headset first
  16. So tell me, what have I missed this weekend? How many bans, how many new "serious" players did we get abd etc.. Give me all the juicy details
  17. Sorry for being away this weekend, had my son for the whole weekend :D I will be back later today with a new and improved headset :) See you on Olympus guys :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SPBojo


      next stop better pc? potato : 3

    3. FluffyTEDDY


      Oh yeah, but with my economy I fear it will take a long time before that happens

    4. SPBojo


      sell your son!

      jkjk, dont for the love of god do that o.o

  18. Thanks, guess i gotta start recording everytime this happens
  19. you see, that's the problem, i did that in front of an admin, told him to put his hands up or be killed, he complied and then i told him that i was gonna kill him, and that admin chewed my ass for doing it..
  20. I've learned that with some gangs when you get the hands up/surrender or be killed message and you get out of your vehicle and put your hands up, they still kill you... you're complying to their demands and they still just shoot you down like you're not even worth anything... Is this against the rules? cause it seems to be happening every single time i get that message.. doesn't matter who sends it, it still happens...
  21. Awesome vid Phunter One of the reasons why i see you as one of the elite medics in the R&R fleet
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