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brodyunderwood1 last won the day on April 10 2016

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About brodyunderwood1

R&R Medic
  • Birthday 11/15/1996

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  1. EVERYONE COULD ALREADY TILDE.  It isn't a big change.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brennan


      I will never forget the amount of salt when McDili walked up to Mory with a 100k or something bounty and said "Hey Mory you are wanted for 100k I am arresting you" when asked how he knew he responded "It's right there above your head" , and then proceeded to explain it was just a guide line.


    3. Winters


      Tman, "Nowhere in the handbook does it say you have to listens to someones story". Is listening to someones story not part of the RP? If not then wouldn't you just be walking up to people reading their charges and issuing them a ticket not discussing any of the charges with them?

    4. brodyunderwood1


      The second you spawn in on cop you are RPing as a cop.  RP does NOT only refer to talking to people while you're processing them.  You are RPing as a cop whether you listen to their story or not.  As long as people RP well they'll be fine.  The problem is that the vast majority of people who don't listen to the stories don't do any of the other RP well either.  Those are the ones that get removed.

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