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Posts posted by Snare

  1. Your disrespect makes me grow weary your new here and continually act like your some sortof high position community member when talking to everybody on the forums. @TheRandomOne @Bubbaloo Burrito says hes bad and you respond with

    2 hours ago, TheRandomOne said:


    Fix this and it'll happen so much less to you.


    like I mean https://clyp.it/jhnpyjjo

    I find it (the tazes) annoying too and I guarantee that (I hate saying this but it's true) I'm a better "combat player" than you will ever be.

    all the points you ever make are toxic and obnoxious you talk like a 15 year old starbucks girl and then accuse other people of groaning.

    and then the second your beloved Jesse (not calling you out here mate just making a point and thankyou for your dev work) makes the same type of "shitty argument" that bubbaloo makes

    1 hour ago, Jesse said:

    I have an idea...

    Maybe you all should stop being scrublords. Play the game with the intent to bring enjoyment to your gaming experience AND OTHERS as well. Stop being fuck bags. Maybe then we wouldn't need a fucking rule for everything.

    you respond with

    1 hour ago, TheRandomOne said:

    Way to add to the conversation there chief. +1.


    I'm guessing other ideas include World Peace, and fixing world hunger.


    why don't you tell him to stop saying pointless arguments. instead of joking around like a mongol.

    People can say what they want on these forums

    But people like you who talk like their the OG L9J9 make themselves a hated fool.

    My point is you can have your opinion I can have my opinion bubbaloo can have his opinion but the bottom line is just don't be a retard about other peoples opinions and start attacking them with your stupid sarcastic remarks.

    Like I said your new here

    Don't want you to have a ruined reputation this early on.

    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, Berg02 said:

    Hell no it's dumb enough trying to engage ~. IMO tags should be clearly associated with the name like [MC] is moob and co and [Tree] is the great tree 

    what are you talking about trying to engage them???? all you have to do is text one of the members hands up or die you don't ever have to mention a gang tag.


    11 minutes ago, DANGUSDEAN said:

    They already put out a name policy. And I think it has to relate to your gang name because if you say, for example (totally made up), hands up or die by motha fuckas, and they die to a guy with [$!$!$] as a gang tag, they're going to be real confused as to whether they were rdm'd, or not, or who they were supposed to surrender to.

    then change the policy so they have to engage with gang tag? which makes more sense in the first place anyway????

    1 hour ago, Jesse said:

    So does the ability to restrain and taze cops. Look how well that worked. Honestly the reason this was such an issue is because more and more people were trying to skirt rules and make engaging very difficult. If i remember right.

    I'm pretty sure from what everyone has told me the reason that they removed the symbols was because it messed up something with one of the systems (Like texting)

    @Peter Long or @McDili or @Grandma Gary can clarify tho.


  3. I like my razer tiamat 7.1s audio quality is dope. there a bit on the high exspensive end tho and the mic is garbage as it is with any headset mic almost.

    a good headset with a nice studio mic is best setup instead of using garbo headset mic.

  4.  lol tom my boy.I think somebodies HEATED.

    these guy's dont really care about getting banned on this server they main asylum and hop on here once every 5 months.

    it's honestly a rarity I think it would be stupid if handcuffs were invincible takes away any challenge of getting someone processed as soon as you taze them there pretty much done if theirs allot of cops on kids need to be responsible and not let rookbangers walk in hqs. People also need to learn to stay away from bounties when there's people in hq.

    I mean its blatantly obvious he was trying to kill him.

    But like I said he didn't care at all that he did it, and it's a rarity. I find it kind-of funny that you guys even let him in the room.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Joel said:

    For something that protects your life... yeah it is realistic.

    people would still buy it just draining there banks entirely if there not rich giving rich people an obscene advantage which isn't good for competitive fights.

    I don't fight arma 3 cartels anymore so i'm just saying what I think is better for you guys.


    @McDili test it ingame olympus then people will pay allot more attention to it.

    I completely agree with you just so ya know :P 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Joel said:

    You increased the price of GA rigs awhile ago but like you said they aren't the reasoning behind the tanking... CSAT Fatigues are really the only nice looking clothing. So you could just increase the price of CSAT. Wouldn't fix the problem but if keeping them gets the most votes increasing the price is a start ://

    Not that I fight on arma 3 anymore but I've always been against price increase everyone is still going to buy them just at more hurt to their wallet.

  7. 5 hours ago, Rated349 said:

    Couldnt agree more, honestly what happened to the majority of the community...

    this is the problem lmfao the apd doesnt want to take their precious time to listen to RP even if the RP is good, for the fun of the game... 

    you merk 10 20 kids and you think you can rp out of it? you think criminals in real life can rp out of 20 or even 5 manslaughter guess again. they cant even "rp" out of 1.

    Thats what im saying it doesn't make sense to say someone can rp out of that many kills.

  8. dont complain about rp or inbalance of apd.

    apd are awful if you cant kill them your bad.

     if you think you can rp your way out of multiple manslaughters your an idiot no one has time to deal with that this isn't real life and if it was and a cop saw you kill someone or had record of you killing someone they wouldn't listen to your stupid story; they would just lock you up. But even that being said this isn't real life and nobody has time to just listen to your generally garbage story and spend all that time with that garbage.

    The only real problem with apd is that you generally fight them in areas that give you texture bugs and there vehicles give you texture bugs but they exsperience the texture bugs as well so its not unbalanced just annoying.

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