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TheAntiStud last won the day on April 11 2015

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About TheAntiStud

  • Birthday 07/01/1997

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  1. How did this one work our for you lol?
  2. This is some of the chaos that unfolded the week before wipe
  3. DP 25 is pretty good. You can store moonshine ingredients in your house here, and just do offroad runs to the processor, which is not that far down the road. Then Rebel is right next to DP 25. A short 3 minute walk and you are there. The tourism at DP 25 isn't great. I think that is because it is right next to the Rebel Outpost. We get lots of rowdy criminals in our bars and restaurants here. Sometimes my wife and I are just trying to have a nice date out on the town at a local restaurant, and then some hooligan comes darting down the road in his hatchback, and nearly totals my car. I just wish that the Rebel Outpost wasn't so close. Other than that there are many great families here at DP 25, and there is a nice little Elementary school here too. The High school kids take the bus to Pygros to go to school though. Also it's really close to the coast, so you can get some nice walks on the beach here. It's a great little town, other than the visitors we get here. And the moonshine business is great here, just don't tell the cops
  4. Brag about it.
  5. Step #7: Always quote rules to cops
  6. Can we get some events this weekend?

    1. Warfare
    2. Thomas


      Shit I don't get my pc until tomorrow.

  7. It's good to hear McDili is still with us
  8. Do you guys think that Arma could ever become an e-sport with a competitive scene? Or are there too many restrictions? What restrictions would there be?
  9. Awh that's sweet
  10. Well that was uncalled for.
  11. I've decided to leave Olympus for the time being so I can go back to playing competitive Club Penguin again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jaden Wilson

      Jaden Wilson

      Bruh, my Igloo got the best puffles bruh. #Thuglife

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    4. Thomas
  12. I remember when I was a squeaker back in the Xbox days playing CoD. I got made gun of all the time, but I used that to my advantage sometimes. There was this one time where this guy asked if I was a guy or a girl, and of course I said I was a girl. Its more fun that way. Any way I started talking with this guy and eventually I became his girlfriend. This guy was like 19 or something. This guy was getting really interment with me so I decided to let him know that I was in fact a guy. I un friended him and never talked to him again. Any way what I'm trying to say is if someone calls you a squeaker have fun with it. If you can't make fun of yourself don't make fun of other people.
  13. This makes me sad I wish you the best.
  14. I was looking at some other servers maps and I came across this one: http://i.imgur.com/ene89ih.jpg

  15. [OS], you mean Original Shitters?
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